The Children of the New Forest Read online

Page 10


  "Humphrey," said Edward, "the sooner all this is over the better. Aslong as poor Jacob's body remains in the cottage there will be nothingbut distress with the poor girls."

  "I agree with you," replied Humphrey; "where shall we bury him?"

  "Under the great oak-tree, at the back of the cottage," replied Edward."One day the old man said to me, that he should like to be buried underone of the oaks of the forest."

  "Well then, I will go and dig his grave to-night," replied Humphrey;"the moon is bright, and I shall have it finished before morning."

  "I am sorry that I can not help you, Humphrey."

  "I am sorry that you are hurt; but I want no help, Edward. If you willlie down a little, perhaps you will be able to sleep. Let us change thepotato poultice before you go on."

  Humphrey put the fresh dressing on Edward's arm; and Edward, who wasvery much exhausted, lay down in his clothes on the bed. Humphrey wentout, and having found his tools, set to his task--he worked hard, and,before morning, had finished. He then went in, and took his place onthe bed, by the side of Edward, who was in a sound sleep. At daylightHumphrey rose, and waked Edward. "All is ready, Edward; but I fear youmust help me to put poor Jacob in the cart: do you think you can?"

  "Oh, yes; my arm is much easier, and I feel very different from what Idid last night. If you will go and get the cart, I will see what I cando in the mean time."

  When Humphrey returned, he found Edward had selected a sheet to windthe body in, but could not do more till Humphrey came to help him. Theythen wrapped it round the body, and carried it out of the cottage, andput it into the cart.

  "Now, Edward, shall we call our sisters?"

  "No, not yet; let us have the body laid in the grave first, and then wewill call them."

  They dragged the body on the cart to the grave, and laid it in it, andthen returned back and put the pony in the stable again.

  "Are there not prayers proper for reading over the dead?" said Humphrey.

  "I believe that there are, but they are not in the Bible, so we mustread some portion of the Bible," said Edward.

  "Yes, I think there is one of the Psalms which it would be right toread, Edward," said Humphrey, turning over the leaves; "here it is, theninetieth, in which you recollect it says, 'that the days of man arethreescore years and ten.'"

  "Yes," replied Edward, "and we will read this one also, the 146th."

  "Are our sisters risen, do you think?"

  "I am sure that they are," replied Humphrey, "and I will go to them."

  Humphrey went to the door, and said, "Alice--Alice and Edith--come outimmediately." They were both ready dressed.

  Edward took the Bible under his arm, and Alice by the hand. Humphreyled Edith until they arrived at the grave, when the two little girlssaw the covered body of Jacob lying in it.

  "Kneel down," said Edward, opening the Bible. And they all knelt downby the grave. Edward read the two Psalms, and then closed the book. Thelittle girls took one last look at the body, and then turned awayweeping to the cottage. Edward and Humphrey filled up the grave, andthen followed their sisters home.

  "I'm glad it's over," said Humphrey, wiping his eyes. "Poor old Jacob!I'll put a paling round his grave."

  "Come in, Humphrey," said Edward.

  Edward sat down upon old Jacob's chair, and took Alice and Edith tohim. Putting his arm round each, he said--

  "Alice and Edith, my dear little sisters, we have lost a good friend,and one to whose memory we can not be too grateful. He saved us fromperishing in the flames which burned down our father's house, and hasprotected us here ever since. He is gone, for it has pleased God tosummon him to him, and we must bow to the will of Heaven; and here weare, brother and sisters, orphans, and with no one to look to forprotection but Heaven. Here we are away from the rest of the world,living for one another. What, then, must we do? We must love oneanother dearly, and help one another. I will do my part, if my life isspared, and so will Humphrey, and so will you my dear sisters. I cananswer for all. Now it is no use to lament--we must all work, and workcheerfully; and we will pray every morning and every night that Godwill bless our endeavors and enable us to provide for ourselves, andlive here in peace and safety. Kiss me, dear Alice and Edith, and kissHumphrey, and kiss one another. Let these kisses be the seals to ourbond; and let us put our trust in Him who only is a father to the widowand the orphan. And now let us pray."

  Edward and the children repeated the Lord's Prayer, and then rose up.They went to their respective employments, and the labor of the daysoon made them composed, although then, for many days afterward, it wasbut occasionally that a smile was seen upon their lips.

  Thus passed a week, by which time Edward's arm was so far well that itgave him no pain, and he was able to assist Humphrey in the work on thefarm. The snow had disappeared, and the spring, although it had beenchecked for a time, now made rapid advances. Constant occupation, andthe return of fine weather, both had the effect of returning theserenity of their minds; and while Humphrey was preparing the paling tofix round the grave of old Jacob, Alice and Edith collected the wildviolets which now peeped forth on sheltered spots, and planted theroots over the grave. Edward also procured all the early flowers hecould collect, and assisted his sisters in their task; and thus, inplanting it, and putting up the paling, the grave of the old man becamethe constant work-ground; and when their labor was done, they wouldstill remain there and talk over his worth. The Sunday following theburial, the weather being fine and warm, Edward proposed that theyshould read the usual service, which had been selected by old Jacob, atthe grave, and not in the cottage, as formerly; and this they continuedafterward to do, whenever the weather would permit: thus did oldJacob's resting-place become their church, and overpower them withthose feelings of love and devotion which gave efficacy to prayer. Assoon as the paling was finished, Humphrey put up a board against theoak-tree, with the simple words carved on it, "Jacob Armitage."

  Edward had, every day, expected that Oswald Partridge would have calledupon him, as he had promised to do, before the week was out; but Oswaldhad not made his appearance, much to Edward's surprise. A month passedaway; Edward's arm was now quite well, and still Oswald came not. Onemorning, Humphrey and Edward were conversing upon many points--theprincipal of which was upon Edward going to Lymington, for they werenow in want of flour and meal, when Edward thought of what old Jacobhad told him relative to the money that he would find in his chest. Hewent into Jacob's room and opened the chest, at the bottom of which,under the clothes, he found a leather bag, which he brought out toHumphrey; on opening it, they were much surprised to find in it morethan sixty gold pieces, besides a great deal of silver coin.

  "Surely this is a great sum of money," observed Humphrey. "I don't knowwhat is the price of things; but it appears to me, that it ought tolast us a long while."

  "I think so too," replied Edward. "I wish Oswald Partridge would come,for I want to ask him many questions. I don't know the price of flour,or anything else we have to purchase, nor do I know what I ought to bepaid for venison. I don't like to go to Lymington till I see him forthat reason. If he does not come soon, I shall ride over and see whatis the matter."

  Edward then replaced the money in the chest, and he and Humphrey thenwent out to the farmyard to go on with their work.

  It was not until six weeks after the death of old Jacob that OswaldPartridge made his appearance.

  "How is the old man, sir?" was his first question.

  "He was buried a few days after you left," replied Edward.

  "I expected as much," said the forester. "Peace be with him--he was agood man. And how is your arm?"

  "Nearly well," replied Edward. "Now sit down, Oswald, for I have agreat deal to say to you; and first, let me ask you what has detainedyou from coming here according to your promise?"

  "Simply, and in few words--murder."

  "Murder!" exclaimed Edward.

  "Yes, deliberate murder, sir; in short, the
y have beheaded KingCharles, our sovereign."

  "Have they dared to do it?"

  "They have," replied Oswald. "We in the forest know little that isgoing on; but when I saw you last, I heard that he was then in London,and was to be tried."

  "Tried!" exclaimed Edward. "How could they try a king? by the laws ofour country, a man must be tried by his equals; and where were hisequals?"

  "Majesty becomes naught, I suppose," replied Oswald; "but still it isas I say. Two days after you left, the intendant hastened up to London,and, from what I have understood, he was strongly opposed to the deed,and did all he could to prevent it; but it was of no use. When he left,he gave me strict injunctions not to go away from the cottage for anhour, as his daughter was left alone; and as I promised, I could notcome to you; but, nevertheless, Patience received letters from him, andtold me what I tell you."

  "You have not dined, Oswald?" said Edward.

  "No, that I have not."

  "Alice, dear, get some dinner, will you? And Oswald, while you dine,excuse me if I leave you for a while. Your intelligence has soastounded me that I can listen to nothing else till I have had a littlewhile to commune with myself and subdue my feelings."

  Edward was indeed in a state of mind which required calming down. Hequitted the cottage and walked out for some distance into the forest,in deep thought.

  "Murdered at last!" exclaimed he. "Yes, well may it be called murder,and no one to save him--not a blow struck in his defense--not an armraised. How much gallant blood has been shed in vain! Spirit of myfathers, didst thou leave none of thy mettle and thy honour behindthee; or has all England become craven? Well, the time will come, andif I can no longer hope to fight for my king, at all events I can fightagainst those who have murdered him."

  Such were Edward's thoughts as he wandered through the forest, and morethan an hour elapsed before his impetuous blood could return to itsusual flow; at last, his mind having partially resumed its wontedcalmness, he returned to the cottage and listened to the details whichOswald now gave to him of what he had heard.

  When Oswald had finished, Edward asked him whether the intendant hadreturned.

  "Yes, or I should not have been here," replied Oswald. "He came backyesterday, looking most disconsolate and grave, and I hear that hereturns to London in a few days. Indeed, he told me so himself, for Irequested permission to come over to see your grandfather. He said thatI might go, but must return soon, as he must go back to London. Ibelieve, from what Miss Patience told me, and what I have seen myself,that he is sincerely amazed and vexed at what has taken place; and so,indeed, are many more, who, although opposed to the king's method ofgovernment, never had an idea that things should have turned out asthey have done. I have a message from him to you, which is, that hebegs you will come to see him, that he may thank you for thepreservation of his child."

  "I will take his thanks from you, Oswald: that will do as well as if hegave them me in person."

  "Yes, perhaps so; but I have another message from another party, whichis--the young lady herself. She desires me to tell you that she willnever be happy till she has seen you, and thanked you for your courageand kindness; and that you have no right to put her under such anobligation, and not give her an opportunity of expressing what shefeels. Now, Mr. Edward, I am certain that she is earnest in what shesays, and she made me promise that I would persuade you to come. Icould not refuse her, for she is a dear little creature; as her fatherwill go to London in a few days, you may ride over and see her withoutany fear of being affronted by any offers which he may make to you."

  "Well," replied Edward, "I have no great objection to see her again,for she was very kind to me; and as you say that the intendant will notbe there, I perhaps may come. But now I must talk to you about othermatters."

  Edward then put many questions to Oswald relative to the value ofvarious articles, and to the best method of disposing of his venison.

  Oswald answered all his questions, and Edward took down notes anddirections on paper.

  Oswald remained with them for two days, and then bade them farewell,exacting a promise from Edward that he would come to the ranger'scottage as soon as he could. "Should the intendant come back before heis expected I will come over and let you know; but I think, from what Iheard him say he expected to be at least a month in London."

  Edward promised that Oswald should see him in less than ten days, andOswald set out on his journey.

  "Humphrey," said Edward, as soon as Oswald was gone, "I have made up mymind to go to Lymington to-morrow We must have some flour, and manyother articles, which Alice says she can no longer do without."

  "Why should we not both go, Edward?" replied Humphrey.

  "No, not this time," replied Edward. "I have to find out many thingsand many people, and I had rather go by myself; besides, I can notallow my sisters to be left alone. I do not consider there is anydanger, I admit; but should any thing happen to them, I should neverforgive myself. Still, it is necessary that you should go to Lymingtonwith me some time or another, that you may know where to purchase andsell, if required. What I propose is, that I will ask Oswald to comeand stay here a couple of days. We will then leave him in charge of oursisters, and go to Lymington together."

  "You are right, Edward, that will be the best plan."

  As Humphrey made this remark, Oswald re-entered the cottage.

  "I will tell you why I have returned, Mr. Edward," said Oswald. "It isof no consequence whether I return now or to-morrow. It is now early,and as you intend going to Lymington, it occurred to me that I hadbetter go with you. I can then show you all you want, which will bemuch better than going by yourself."

  "Thank you, Oswald, I am much obliged to you," said Edward.

  "Humphrey, we will get the cart out immediately, or we shall be late.Will you get it, Humphrey, for I must go for some money, and speak toAlice."

  Humphrey went immediately to put the pony in the cart, when Edward said,

  "Oswald, you must not call me Mr. Edward, even when we are alone: ifyou do you will be calling me so before other people, and, therefore,recollect in future, it must be plain Edward."

  "Since you wish it, certainly," replied Oswald; "indeed it would bebetter, for a slip of the tongue before other people might createsuspicion."

  The pony and cart were soon at the door, and Edward having receivedfurther instructions from Alice, set off for Lymington, accompanied byOswald.