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The Privateer's-Man, One hundred Years Ago Page 11
The Privateer's-Man, One hundred Years Ago Read online
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I cause myself to be dismissed from my Owner's Service--Am arrested--Conveyed to London, and confined in the Tower--Am visited by a Romish Priest, and through his interference obtain my Liberation--Set off to Liverpool, and find my Owner and Captain Levee--Their surprise--Miss Trevannion.
When I called upon our owner, which I did as soon as I had dropped myanchor and furled sails, he embraced me, and then led me into the backroom next to his counting-house.
"My dear Elrington," said he, "well as you managed to get off theJacobite gentlemen, there is a strong suspicion on the part of thegovernment, that they were on board of your vessel, and that I was aparty to their escape. Whether they will take any measures now thatyou have returned, I know not; they may have gained some intelligence,or they may worm out something, by their emissaries, from those whocompose your crew, and if so, we must expect their vengeance. Now tellme where you landed them, and all the events of your cruise, for Ihave heard but little from those who brought in the prizes taken bythe Arrow. Captain Levee is too busy with his own vessel and the prizeto come on shore for these two hours, and I wish to talk with youalone upon this affair."
After I had narrated all that had passed, and the manner in which theFrench privateer had been captured, the owner said--
"If the government spies, and there are plenty of them about, find outfrom your crew that you landed passengers at Bordeaux, depend upon ityou will be arrested and examined, without you get out of the way tillthe affair has blown over. Now, the men will narrate in the tavernsthe curious history of this French privateer, and in so doing cannotfail to state that you were on shore in France. Now, Elrington, youhave run the risk to oblige me, and I must keep you out of difficulty;and, if you feel inclined to hide yourself for a time, I will ofcourse pay all your expenses."
"No," I replied; "if they find out what has taken place, and wish toget hold of me in consequence, I think it will be better to brave itout. If I hide away, it will make them more anxious to have me, andwill confirm their suspicions that I am what they are pleased to calla traitor; a reward will be offered for my apprehension, and at anytime that I do appear, the reward will cause me to be taken up. If, onthe contrary, I brave it out, and if I am asked, say at once that Idid land passengers, at all events they will not make it high treason;so, with your leave, I will stay. I hardly need say that I shall takethe whole responsibility on myself, and declare that I took them onboard without your knowledge; that you may rest assured of."
"On consideration, I think that your plan is the best," replied myowner. "I am grateful for your offer of screening me, which I wouldnot permit, were it not that I shall be useful to you if any mischancetakes place, and, if in prison, could be of no service."
"Then, Sir," I replied, "the wisest course will be for you at once todismiss me from the command of the privateer, in consequence of yourhaving been informed that I carried passengers and landed them inFrance. That step will prove you a friend to the government, and willenable you, after a time, to get me out of my scrape moreeffectually."
"You are sacrificing yourself, Elrington, and all for me."
"Not so, Sir. I am only securing a friend in case of need."
"That you certainly are," replied my owner, squeezing my hand. "Well,it will be the best plan even for you, and so let it be."
"Then I will now return on board, and tell the officers that I amdismissed. There is no time to be lost; and here comes Captain Levee;so for the present, Sir, farewell."
On my return on board, I called up the officers and men, and told themthat I had offended the owner, and that he had dismissed me from thecommand of the privateer. One of the officers inquired what I haddone; and I said, before the men, that it was for landing thepassengers in France. They all condoled with me, and expressed theirsorrow at my leaving them, and I believe that they were sincere. Itwas fortunate that I did as I had done, for I found that thegovernment emissaries were on board at the time that I made thecommunication, and had already gained the information from some of mycrew. I ordered my chest and bedding to be put into the boat, and assoon as they were ready, I gave up the command to the first officer,and bidding them all farewell, went down the side, and pulled onshore, repairing to my former lodgings.
I had not been there two hours before I was arrested and taken toprison. I was, however, very comfortably lodged, because I was a stateprisoner, and I presume that more respect is paid to a man when he isto be drawn and quartered, and his head set above the Tower gates,then a petty malefactor. The next day I was summoned before what wascalled the Commission, and asked whether I had not landed some peoplein France? I replied immediately that I had done so.
"Who were they?" was the next inquiry.
"They stated themselves to be Roman Catholic priests," replied I, "andsuch I believed them to be."
"Why did I do so?"
"Because, in the first place, they paid me one hundred guineas each;and, in the second, because I considered them mischievous, dangerousmen, conspiring against the government, and that the sooner they wereout of the country the better."
"How did I know that they were traitors?"
"All Roman priests were traitors in my opinion, and I hated them asbad as I did the French, but it is difficult to deal with a priest,and I thought that I was performing a good service in ridding thecountry of them."
"Who else was privy to the affair?"
"No one; I had made the arrangement with them myself, and not anofficer or man on board knew any thing about it."
"But my owner, Mr. Trevannion, was he a party to it?"
"No, he was not; and on my return he dismissed me from the command ofthe privateer, as soon as he found out that I had landed the priestsin France."
A great many more questions were put to me, all of which I answeredvery cautiously, yet without apparent hesitation; and after anexamination of four hours, the president of the Commission told methat I had been, by my own acknowledgment, aiding and abetting theescape of malignant traitors, and prevented them meeting their justfate on the scaffold. That, in so doing, I had been guilty of treason,and must abide the sentence of the supreme Commission in London,whither I should be sent the following day. I replied that I was aloyal subject; that I hated the French and Romish plotters, and that Ihad done what I considered was best; that if I had done wrong, it wasonly an error in judgment; and any one that said I was a traitor, liedin his throat.
My reply was taken down, and I was sent back to prison.
The following afternoon the gaoler came into my room accompanied bytwo persons, one of whom informed me that I was delivered over totheir custody to be taken to London. I was led out, and at the door Ifound three horses, upon one of which I was desired to mount. As soonas I was in the saddle, a rope was passed from one leg to the otherunder the horse's belly, so as to prevent my escape; and my horse wasled between the other two, upon which my keepers rode, each having ahand-rein made fast from my horse's bridle to his own. A crowd wasassembled round the entrance of the gaol, and among the lookers-on Iperceived Captain Levee and my owner; but of course I thought itimprudent to take any notice of them, and they did not make anyrecognition of me.
I hardly need say, my dear Madam, how very revolting it was to myfeelings to be thus led away like a felon; but at the same time I mustacknowledge the courtesy of my conductors, who apologized for beingcompelled to take such measures of security, and on the way showedgreat kindness and good-feeling.
Every thing being arranged, we proceeded on our journey; but it waslate when we set off, owing to one of my conductors being sent for bythe commissioner, and having to wait for letters for nearly threehours. As it may be supposed, we could not travel at speed, and weseldom went faster than a walk, which I was sorry for, as I wasanxious that the journey should be over, and my fate decided as soonas possible.
Almost an hour after dark, a party of men rushed from the side of theroad, and some seizing the bridles of the horses, th
e others threw thetwo conductors off their saddles by taking them by the leg and heavingthem over on the other side. This was done so quickly, that the twomen, who were well armed, had not time to draw out a pistol or anyother weapon of defence; and as soon as they were on the ground, theywere immediately seized and overpowered. The faces of the men who hadthus assailed the king's officers were blackened so as to disguisethem, but from their voices I knew them to be the men and officers ofthe privateer. "Now then, Captain Elrington," said one of them, "beoff with you as fast as possible, and we will take care of thesefellows."
I still remained in my saddle, and although somewhat flurried with thesurprise of the attack, I had had time to recover myself, and haddecided upon my mode of behaviour. I felt as I had said to the ownerwhen we consulted together, that an escape now would be only puttingoff the evil day, and that it was better to meet the case boldly atonce; so I rose in my stirrups, and said to the men in a loud voice,"My good fellows, I am much obliged to you for your exertions in mybehalf, as it proves your good-will, but I cannot and will not takeadvantage of them. By some mistake I am accused of being a traitor,when I feel that I am a true and loyal subject, which I have no doubtwill be fully established upon my arrival in London. I cannot,therefore, take advantage of this opportunity to escape. I respect thelaws of my country, and I beg you to do the same. Oblige me byreleasing the two gentlemen whom you have made your prisoners, andassist them to remount their horses, for I am resolved that I will goto London and be honourably acquitted. Once more, my lads, many thanksfor your kind intentions; and now I wish you farewell, and if youwould do me a great favour, you will disperse peaceably, and leave usto proceed on our journey."
The men perceived that I was in earnest, and therefore did as Irequested, and in another minute I was again alone with my twokeepers.
"You have behaved honourably, Sir, and perhaps wisely," observed oneof my conductors, as he was about to remount his horse. "I will notask you who those people were, although I have no doubt but yourecognized them yourself."
"No," I replied, "I did not. I guessed from whence they came, but Idid not recognize any one individual."
I gave this cautious answer, although I had recognized Captain Leveeand one of my own officers.
"Well, Captain Elrington, you have proved to us that you may betrusted, and therefore, on your pledging your word that you will notescape, we shall have a great pleasure in removing all unpleasantprecautions."
"I certainly have proved that I would not escape, and will readilygive you my assurance that I will not alter my mind."
"That is sufficient, Sir," replied the officer; and he then cut awaythe rope which bound my legs, and also look off the two leading reinsattached to the other horses. "We shall now," he said, "proceed notonly more pleasantly, but more rapidly."
My conductors then mounted their horses, and we set off at a goodtrot, and in an hour arrived at the place where we were to put up forthe night. We found supper prepared for us, and good beds. Myconductors now left me free of all restraint, and we retired to ourbeds. The next day we continued our journey in the same manner. Mycompanions were pleasant and gentlemen-like men, and we discoursedfreely upon every topic; no one could have imagined that I was a stateprisoner.
We arrived at London on the fifth day, and I was then delivered overto the keeper of the Tower, according to the instructions that myconductors had received. They bade me farewell, and promised that theywould not fail to represent my conduct to the authorities, and gave mehopes of a speedy release. I had the same idea, and took possession ofthe apartments prepared for me (which were airy and well ventilated)with almost cheerfulness.
On the third day after my arrival a Commission was sent to the Towerto examine me, and I gave the same replies as before. They were veryparticular in obtaining the descriptions of the persons of those whomI had landed in France, and I answered without disguise. I afterwardsfound out that I had done a very foolish thing. Had I misrepresentedtheir persons, it would have been supposed that they really were fourCatholic priests, but from my exact description, they discovered thatI had rescued the four traitors (as they termed them) that they weremost anxious to secure and make an example of; and their annoyance atthis discovery had so angered them against me, that my subsequentconduct could not create any feeling favourable towards me.
Three weeks elapsed, and I was wearied of confinement. My gaoler toldme that he feared my case was a bad one; and after another week hadpassed, he said that I was condemned as aiding and abetting treason. Imust say that I little expected this result, and it quite overthrewme. I asked my gaoler what was his authority. He said that so manypeople had assisted and effected the escape of the rebels without onehaving been convicted of having so done except myself, on my ownavowal, that they deemed it absolutely necessary that an exampleshould be made, to deter others from aiding those who were stillsecreted in the country; and that in consequence it had been decidedby the Privy Council that I should be made an example of. He told memuch more which I need not repeat, except that it proved the malignantfeeling that was indulged by the powers in authority against those whohad assisted their defeated opponents, and I felt that I had nochance, and prepared my mind to meet my fate.
Alas, my dear Madam, I was but ill-prepared to die,--not that I feareddeath, but I feared what must be my condition after death. I had liveda reckless, lawless life, without fear of God or man; all thereligious feelings which had been instilled into me by my good tutor(you know my family history, and I need say no more) during my youth,had been gradually sapped away by the loose companionship which I hadheld since the time that I quitted my father's house; and when I heardthat I was to die, my mind was in a state of great disquiet anduncomfortable feeling. I wished to review my life, and examine myself,but I hardly knew where to begin.
All was chaos and confusion. I could remember many bad actions, butfew good ones. I felt that I was like a vessel without a rudder, andwithout a pilot; and after hours and hours of deep thought, I wouldgive up the task of examination in stern despair, saying to myself,"Well, if it must be so, it must." I felt an inclination to defy thatHeaven which I felt would never be opened to me. This was the case formore than a week after I heard of my condemnation, until I began toreflect upon the nature of our creed, and the terms of salvation whichwere offered; and, as I thought over them, I felt a dawn of hope, andI requested the gaoler to furnish me with a Bible. I read it day andnight, for I expected every morning to be summoned to execution. Ifelt almost agony at times, lest such should be the case; but timepassed on, and another fortnight elapsed, during which I had profitedby my reading, and felt some contrition for my many offences, and mylife of guilt, and I also felt that I could be saved through themerits of Him who died for the whole world. Day after day my faithbecame more lively, and my mind more at ease. One morning the gaolercame to me, and said that there was a priest who wished to see me. AsI understood he was a Roman, I was about to refuse; but onconsideration, I thought otherwise, and he was admitted. He was atall, spare man, with a dark Spanish countenance.
"You are, I believe," said he, "Captain Elrington, who effected theescape of some of our poor friends, and who are now condemned for yourkind act?"
"I am, Sir," replied I.
"I am aware," said he, "that your profession of faith is not mine, anddo not, therefore, come to talk with you on serious points, withoutyou should wish it yourself; my object is, being indebted as we are toyou for saving our friends, to offer to be of any use that I can toyou, in executing any wishes, or delivering any messages, which youmay wish to give, should you suffer for your generous conduct, and youmay trust any thing to me with safety, that I swear to you;" and hetook a crucifix from the folds of his garment, and kissed it, as hesaid so.
"I thank you for your kind offer, Sir," replied I, "but I have nothingto trouble you with. I have long quitted my family, who know notwhether I am alive or dead, for reasons that I need not explain. I amunder an assumed name, and it is my intention to
suffer under thatname, that my family may not be disgraced by my ignominious death, orbe aware that I have perished on the scaffold."
"Perhaps you are right," replied the priest; "but let us talk uponanother point; have you no friends that could exert themselves in yourfavour so as to procure your pardon and release?"
"None," replied I, "except those who, I am sure, are exertingthemselves to the utmost of their power, and to whom no message fromme is necessary."
"Do you know nobody at court," said the priest, "no person of rank inthe government--or I may say opposed to the government--for peoplenow-a-days are not what they seem or pretend to be?"
"I have no knowledge of any titled person," replied I; "when I partedwith one of the gentlemen whom I landed at Bordeaux, he gave me thename of a lady of quality at Paris, desiring me, if in difficulty, toapply to him through her; but that was, if in difficulty in France; ofcourse, she could do nothing for me in this country."
"Have you the name of the lady?"
"Yes," replied I; "it is on the first leaf of my pocket-book. Here itis."
The priest read the name, and then said--
"You must write immediately a few words, acquainting her with yourposition. I will see the letter safely delivered before the week isover."
"What good can she possibly do me?" replied I.
"I cannot say; but this I know, that if any thing is to be done, itwill be. Write immediately."
The priest called the gaoler, and requested writing materials, whichwere brought, and in a few minutes I had done as he requested.
"There, Sir, I have written to please you; but I candidly state that Iconsider it a useless attempt."
"Were I of your opinion, I should not have advised you to write,"replied he. "There are wheels within wheels that you have noconception of, in these troubled times. What I most fear is, that itmay arrive too late."
The priest took his leave of me, and I was left to my own thoughts.When I considered that the address of this lady had been given to meby the very man whom they were so anxious to secure as a traitor, I atonce decided that no benefit could arrive from any interference on herpart; and I therefore, after a quarter of an hour, dismissed the wholesubject from my thoughts, and commenced my reading of the sacredwritings. The following morning, when the gaoler came in, I could nothelp observing to him, that as I had been condemned so many days, Ifelt much surprise at the delay of my execution. His reply was, thathe heard that others were in custody upon the same charge, and thatthey waited for their convictions that we might all suffer at the sametime; for the order for my execution had come on the Friday last, buthad been countermanded on the afternoon of the same day. Although thissatisfied me that I had no hopes of escape, yet I was pleased that Ihad obtained more time for preparation, and I renewed my reading withardour. Another week passed, when the gaoler, with a solemn face, andmuch apparent concern, came in, and informed me that the other partiesarrested had been tried before the Commission, and had been condemned,and that it was expected that the execution would take place either onthe morrow or the day after. The announcement did not affect me much.I had made up my mind that I should suffer, and had to a degree weanedmyself from life. I considered how all hopes of my ever enjoying thedelight of family and kindred ties had flown away, and I looked withdisgust upon my career as a privateer's-man--a career of recklessnessand blood, so denounced by the sacred writings which I had before me.I reflected that if I were to leave the prison, I should have noother means of sustenance, and should probably return to my formerlife, and load my soul with a still heavier weight of crime, and,although I felt an occasional bitter pang at the idea of leaving theworld so young--a world which I could not hate--still I was, after afew hours' communing and reflection, resigned to my fate, andexclaimed with sincerity, "Thy will be done." I think, Madam, you mayhave observed that, sinful as I was, my whole career proved that I wasnot a hardened sinner. Good was not driven entirely out of me, but waslatent, notwithstanding all my excesses, and the bad company which hadinfluenced me.
I now prayed, and prayed earnestly, and I thought that my prayers wereheard. Such was my state of mind on the day before the one appointedfor my execution, when the gaoler and one of the sheriff's officerscame into my cell, accompanied by the Roman Catholic priest whom Ihave before mentioned. I perceived by the countenance of the gaoler,who was a humane man, that he had no unpleasant news. The sheriff'sofficer delivered to him an order for my liberation, and to myastonishment I was told by the gaoler that my pardon was signed, andthat I was free. I was stupified with the intelligence, and I stoodwithout making any reply. The priest waved his hand to them as a hintto leave the room, which they both did. As they left, my eyes followedthem, and then I cast them down upon the Bible which lay before me onthe table, and slipping down from the bench upon my knees, I coveredup my face and prayed. My prayers were confused--I hardly knew what Isaid--but I knew that they were intended to be grateful to Heaven formy unexpected preservation from an ignominious death. After a time, Irose up, and perceived the priest, whose presence I had till thenforgotten. He had been kneeling at the other side of the table prayingwith me, and I am sure for me--and he was rising up just after I had.
"I trust, Captain Elrington," said he, after a pause, "that the perilyou have been in will influence your future life; and that this severetrial will not be thrown away upon you."
"I trust not, Sir," replied I. "I feel that it has been good for meto have been afflicted. I believe that I have been indebted to yourexertions for my deliverance."
"No further than having seen your letter duly and speedily delivered.I could do no more, for with all will, I have no power; and that waslittle to do for one who so generously assisted our friends in theirdistress."
"Am I then to believe that I am indebted to the interest of a Frenchlady, residing at the court of Versailles, for my deliverance?"
"Even so--this may appear strange to you, Captain Elrington, but suchis the case. Understand, that in these troubled times, the rulingmonarch of this country cannot distinguish his friends from hisenemies. He can only trust to professions, and they are not alwayssincere. There are many in the council at this time, who, if thePretender, as he is called, had succeeded, would long before this havejoined him, and who had wished him success, although they dared notventure to assist him. The interest of the lady in question with thesepeople has prevailed over the true adherents of the Hanoverian king,and thus through this lady have you obtained your release. I statethis to you in confidence; to publish what I have told you would be tobetray your friends. Can I be of any further service to you? for youcan leave your prison as soon as you please."
"None, I thank you, good Sir," replied I; "I have money more thansufficient to reward my gaoler, and to defray my expenses toLiverpool."
"You have my best thanks and sincere wishes for your happiness. Then Iwill not intrude upon you any more, except to give you my address incase of need. You have made warm friends by your conduct, and if youever require their assistance, it will not be withheld."
The priest gave his address upon a piece of paper, and then came tome.
"Our creeds are not exactly the same, but you will not, my son, refusemy blessing?" said he, putting his hand upon my head.
"Oh, no," said I, dropping on my knees, "I receive it all inthankfulness."
"May God bless you, my son," said he, with emotion--and he thenquitted the cell.
What with the previous excitement when my liberation was announced,and the parting with the kind priest, my feelings were so powerful,that, as soon as I was alone, I gave vent to them in a flood of tears.As soon as I was more composed, I rose from the bench, put mynecessaries into my valise, and summoned the gaoler, to whom I made ahandsome present, thanking him for his kindness during myincarceration. I then shook hands with him, fee'd the turnkey who hadattended upon me, and in a minute more I was clear of the Tower gates.How my heart heaved when I was once more in the open air.
I looked around me, and
perceived that many men were busy in erectinga scaffolding. My heart sank as I beheld them, as I felt certain whatit was for; but to verify my opinion, I turned to an old woman who hada sort of stall from which she dispensed mead to the populace, andinquired of her for what the scaffold was being erected.
"It's for the men who are to be executed to-morrow for aiding theJacobites to escape," said she. "Won't your worship take a glass ofmead this morning?"
"I am not thirsty," I replied, as I walked hastily away with my valiseupon my shoulders.
A stranger to this part of London, I hardly knew where to direct mysteps; I walked past the square before the Tower, until I came into astreet called Catherine-street, where a tavern met my view, and intoit I entered immediately, glad, as it were, to hide myself, for I feltas if all the world looked upon me as a person just discharged fromprison. I obtained good entertainment there, and slept there thatnight. The next morning, the host having provided me two good horses,and a youngster to take them back, I set off for Liverpool, and afterfive days' travel without adventure, I arrived at the town, andproceeded direct to the house of Mr. Trevannion, my owner. I took myvalise off the boy's horse, and having paid him for his attendance, Iknocked at the door, for it was late in the evening, and dark, when Iarrived. The door (for it was at his private house door, which wasnext to the counting-house door, that I knocked) was opened; and thewoman who opened it shrieked, and let drop the candle, exclaiming,"Help, oh God--a ghost, a ghost!" for it appeared that the news hadarrived at Liverpool from a messenger who had been sent express afterI had been condemned, stating that there was no hope, and that I wasto suffer on the Monday previous; and this was the Saturday evening onwhich I had arrived. Mr. Trevannion's clerk hearing a noise in thepassage, came out with another candle, and seeing me, and the womanlying on the floor in a swoon, stared, staggered to the door of theroom where his master was sitting, and the door being a-jar, he fellback with great force into the room, dropping under the table betweenMr. Trevannion and Captain Levee, who was sitting with him, smoking,as was very often their wont. This brought out Captain Levee with oneof the table-candlesticks, who, upon seeing me, ran to me, andembracing me warmly, cried out, as the clerk made his escape--
"Here is Elrington alive and well, Sir!"
At this announcement Mr. Trevannion came out, and threw himself intomy arms, saying--
"I thank God for all his mercies, but above all, that I have not beenthe cause of your death, my dear Elrington. Come in," he exclaimed, ina faultering voice; and as soon as he gained his seat, he laid hishead down and sobbed with excitement and joy.
I followed Captain Levee into the room, and was taking a chair, when Iperceived there was another person present besides Captain Levee andMr. Trevannion, which was the daughter of the latter; that is, Ipresumed as much, for I knew that he was a widower, and had onedaughter living, out of a family of three children. She appeared to beabout seventeen years of age, and had just come from a Protestantconvent, as they called establishments where young women were educatedat Chester. Mr. Trevannion was still with his face covered, and notyet recovered from his burst of feeling, when this young gentlewomancame up to me, and said--
"Captain Elrington, you have behaved nobly to my father; accept myhand and my friendship."
I was so dazzled from coming out of the dark, and so excited from whathad just passed, that I was almost bewildered; but I accepted theoffered hand, and bowed over it, although I declare that at the time Icould not distinguish her features, although I perceived that herperson was slight and elegant. As she retreated to her seat, Mr.Trevannion, who had recovered from his emotion, said--
"I thought that, at this moment, your head was exhibited over thegates of Temple-bar. The idea, as Captain Levee will tell you, hashaunted me; for I felt, and should always have felt, that I was thecause of your death. God bless you, my dear Sir, and may I have anopportunity of showing you my gratitude and regard for your nobleconduct towards me, and the sacrifice which you would have made. Youneed not tell me, for I know too well, that you took all the onus andblame of the affair upon your own shoulders, and preferred death toimpeaching me."
"My dear Elrington," said Captain Levee, "I told our crew, and youhave proved me a true prophet, that you never would peach, but diegame. We were talking of you, supposing you dead, when you came in. Imust tell you, that more than once Mr. Trevannion had made up his mindto deliver himself up, and acknowledge the truth, but I prevented him,as it would have been a useless sacrifice."
"You did; but, nevertheless, it was so heavy on my conscience, thathad it not been for your perseverance, and the thoughts of leaving mypoor girl here an orphan in the world, I certainly should have sodone, for I felt life to be a burden."
"I am very glad that you did not, Sir," I replied; "my life is oflittle value; I have no one to support, no one to love, and no one tolament me if I fall. A shot from the enemy may soon send me out of theworld, and there will only be a man the less in it, as far as peopleare interested about me."
"That is not the case now, at all events," replied Mr. Trevannion;"but pray, tell us how it is that you have escaped."
"I have not escaped," I replied; "here is my pardon, with thesign-manual."
"And how was it obtained?" exclaimed Captain Levee; "all intercessionmade through some of the strongest friends of the government was invain, that I can assert; for you must not suppose that we have beenidle down here. We did not leave London till after you were condemned,and every entreaty to see you, or to communicate by letter, was deniedto us."
"I had better, then, begin at the beginning, and state all thatoccurred. I will first thank you, my dear Levee, for your kindassistance, which I would not avail myself of, as I calculated(wrongly I own) that it would be wiser to remain a prisoner; and Iconsidered that my very refusal to escape would be admitted by thegovernment as a proof of my innocence. I did not know that I had todeal with such malignant people."
I then commenced my narrative, which occupied the remainder of theevening, and, having received their congratulations, we had a pipe ortwo, and, as I was fatigued, we retired to bed. I slept little onthis, I may say, first night of rest and quiet, after my liberation. Iwas happy, and yet perplexed. During the time of my imprisonment, ithad occurred to me that the life of a privateer's-man was not onewhich I could follow up with a good conscience; and I had, on myjourney down to Liverpool, made up my mind that I would give it up. Iknew this might annoy Mr. Trevannion, and that I should have to meetwith the ridicule of Captain Levee, and I was thinking whether it werepossible, in the first place, that I could give some well-groundedexcuse; and, in the next, what other means of gaining my livelihood Icould substitute in its stead. My restlessness induced me to get upearlier than usual, and I went out for an hour's walk upon the wharfs.I saw my little schooner riding on the stream, and, as she gentlyrose, and dipped to the swell which ran in with the tide, she lookedso beautiful that my resolutions were already giving way. I would lookat her no longer; so I turned from the river, and walked back to theowner's house. It was still early when I went into the eating-hall,where I found Miss Trevannion alone.