The Pacha of Many Tales Read online

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  The next day the Spanish slave was summoned to continue his narrative.

  "Your sublime highness of course recollects where I left off yesterdayevening," commenced the slave.

  "Perfectly well," replied the pacha, "you left off at the beginning ofyour story; but I hope you will finish it this evening, as I havealready forgotten a great deal of what you said."

  "Your highness may recollect that I was seated--"

  "Yes, in our presence," interrupted the pacha; "such was ourcondescension to a Giaour. Now go on with your story."

  "With due submission to your highness, I was seated on a sofa, betweenmy mother Donna Celia and my mistress Donna Clara."

  "Very true; I recollect now that you were."

  "A hand clasped in the hand of each."

  "Exactly," replied the pacha, impatiently.

  "And was about to tell a story of my own invention, to deceive the oldlady my mother."

  "Anna senna! curses on your mother!" cried the pacha, in an angry tone."Sit down and continue your story. Is a pacha nothing? Is the lion tobe chafed by a jackal? Wallah el Nebi! By God and the Prophet! do youlaugh at our beard? The story!"

  "The story requested by your highness," replied the slave, with greatcoolness, "was commenced in the following words."


  What occurred during my infancy, my dearest mother, I do not recollect;but I can retrace to the age of seven years, when I found myself incompany with a number of others, from the squalling infant of a few daysold, up to about my own age. I also recollect that our fare wasindifferent, and our punishment severe.

  "Poor child!" exclaimed Donna Celia, pressing my hand which was stilllocked in hers. I continued there until the age of ten, when an oldlady who came to the asylum, took a fancy to me; for I often heard itremarked, that I was a very handsome boy, although I have rather grownout of my good looks lately, Clara.

  A pressure of my other hand, and a negative smile, was the answer; and Iproceeded--The old lady Donna Isabella, who was of the noble family ofGuzman, wanted a page, and intended to bring me up in that capacity.She carried me to her house where I was clad in a fancy dress. I usedto sit by her side on the carpet, and run upon any message which mightbe required; in fact, I was a sort of human bell, calling up every bodyand fetching every thing that was wanted; but I was well fed, and veryproud of a little dagger which I wore in my girdle. The only part of myeducation to which I objected, was learning to read and write from apriest, who was domiciled in the family, and who had himself as great anaversion to teaching as I had to learning. Had the affair restedentirely between us, we might have arranged matters so as to please bothparties; but as the old lady used to prove my acquirements by making meread to her, as she knotted, we neither of us could help fulfilling ourengagements. By dint of bullying and beating, at last I wassufficiently enlightened to be able to read a romance to my mistress, oranswer an invitation-note in the negative or affirmative. My mistresshad two nieces who lived with her, both nearly grown up when I enteredthe family. They taught me dancing for their own amusement, as well asmany other things; and by their care I improved very much, even inreading and writing. Although a child, I had a pleasure in being taughtby two pretty girls. But it is necessary that I should be moreparticular in my description of these two young ladies. The eldest,whose name was Donna Emilia, was of a prudent, sedate disposition,always cheerful, but never boisterous; she constantly smiled, butseldom, if ever, indulged in a laugh. The youngest, Donna Teresa, wasvery different--joyous and light-hearted, frank and confiding in hertemper, generous in disposition: her faults arose from an excess ofevery feeling--a continual running into extremes. Never were twosisters more fond of each other--it appeared as if the differencebetween their dispositions but added to their attachment. The seriouscharacter of the elder was roused to playfulness by the vivacity of theyounger, and the extravagance of the younger was kept in due bounds bythe prudence of the elder. As a child I liked Donna Emilia, but I wasdevotedly fond of Donna Teresa.

  I had been three years in this situation, when legal business requiredthe presence of Donna Isabella at Madrid. The young ladies, who wereboth very handsome, and remarkably like each other in person, were muchadmired by the cavaliers. Two had gained the victory over the rivalcandidates--Don Perez was the favoured suitor of Donna Emilia, while DonFlorez was proud to wear the chains of the lively Teresa. DonnaIsabella had, however, no intention that her nieces should quit her forthe present; and aware, by the serenading which took place every night,that there were pretenders to her nieces' smiles, she hastened back toSeville sooner than she had intended.

  Although I had not been trusted by either, I had an idea of what wasgoing on; but with more prudence than most boys of my age, I made noremarks either to my mistress or to the young ladies. We had returnedto Seville about a month, when Donna Emilia called me aside, and said,"Pedro, can you keep a secret?"

  I told her--"Yes, if I was paid for it."

  "And what do you want to induce you to keep it, you little miser?"

  I replied--"From her, only a kiss."

  She called me a little rogue, gave me the kiss, and then told me, that acavalier would be under the window a little after vesper bell, and thatI must give him a billet, which she put into my hand. Of course, havingreceived my payment beforehand, I consented. At the time mentioned Ilooked out of the gate, and perceiving a cavalier under the window, Iaccosted him, "What ho, senhor, what is it you expect from a fair lady?"

  "A billet, my little page," replied he.

  "Then here you have it," replied I, pulling it out of my vest. He put adoubloon in my hand, and immediately disappeared.

  I liked the gold very much, but I preferred the other payment more. Iput the money into my pocket, and returned into the house. I had hardlycome into the hall, when Donna Teresa, the other young lady, accostedme. "Pedro, I have been looking for you--can you keep a secret?"

  "Yes, if I am paid for it," replied I, as before.

  "And what must it be that will keep that little tongue of yours fromchattering?"

  "From you," replied I, "it must be a kiss."

  "Oh! you little manikin--I'll give you twenty;" and she did so, untilshe almost took away my breath. "And now," said she, "there is a senhorwaiting below for a note, which you must take him." I took the note,and when I came to the gate, found a cavalier there, as she hadmentioned. "Oh, senhor," said I, "what are you waiting for, is it abillet-doux from a sweet lady?"

  "It is, my pretty boy," answered he.

  "Perhaps this will interest you," replied I, handing him the note. Hesnatched it from me, and would have departed. "Senhor," said I, "Icannot allow my mistress to be affronted. Her favours are beyond allprice, but still they are always coupled with gold. Since you are sopoor, and gold must pass, here is a piece for you," and I offered himthe doubloon which I had received from the other cavalier.

  "You are a witty boy," replied he, "and have corrected my negligence,for it was nothing more, I assure you. Add this to the other;"--and heput a quarter-doubloon in my hand, and disappeared. I returned to thehouse; and, as I had been some time away from my mistress, I went intothe saloon--where she was sitting alone.

  "Pedro, come hither, child; you know how good I have been to you, andhow carefully I have brought you up. Now tell me, can you keep asecret?"

  "Yes, madam," replied I, "I can keep yours, for it is my duty."

  "That's a good child. Well then, I have an idea that my two nieces arefollowed by some of the gay cavaliers, who saw them at Madrid, and Iwish you to find out if it is true.--Do you understand?"

  "Oh, yes, madam," replied I; "I do perfectly."

  "Well then, do you watch,--and Pedro, here are two reals for you, to buysugar-plums."

  Thus did I enter in one day into the real occupation of a page. I addedthe two reals to the gold, and, as you may suppose, meant to serve as Iwas paid. But, as I fo
und out afterwards, I had made a terrible mistakewith the two billets-doux. That of Donna Emilia I had given to DonFlorez, who was Donna Teresa's admirer; that of Donna Teresa I had givento Don Perez, who was the lover of Donna Emilia; but I had betterexplain to you, before I go on, what did not come to my knowledge untilthe _denouement_ took place. Don Perez, the lover of Emilia, was ayoung man who was entitled to large property, at the death of an uncle,to whom he was heir by entail. Don Florez, on the contrary, was inpossession of a splendid fortune, and able to choose for himself.

  From fear of discovery, the notes were both in a disguised hand, and notsigned by the respective christian names of the ladies. Donna Emilia'sran thus:--"I found your note in the spot agreed, but my aunt has takenaway the key of the shrubbery, and is I believe suspicious.--Why are youso urgent?--I trust your affection, like mine, will but increase fromdelay. It will be impossible to meet you to-night; but I have enteredthe page in my service, and will write soon." That of Donna Teresa,which I put in the hands of Don Perez, ran as follows:--"I can no longerrefuse your solicitations for an interview. My aunt has locked up theshrubbery, but if you have courage enough to scale the garden wall, Iwill meet you in the saloon which opens upon the garden; but not a wordmust be said, as the servants are continually passing the door--neithercan we have a light--I must trust to your honour."

  Don Perez was delighted at Donna Emilia's having at last yielded to hisintreaties for a meeting; and Don Florez, as much annoyed at thereserved conduct of his mistress, went home accusing her of coquetry.At the appointed hour, Don Perez met his supposed mistress in thesaloon. The two sisters were _confidantes_; and, as I was in theirsecret, they made no scruple of talking before me. The next day, whentheir aunt left the room, they began arguing upon the personal merits ofthe respective cavaliers. After a good-humoured controversy, theyappealed to me.

  "Come, Pedro," said Teresa, "you shall decide. Which do you think thehandsomest cavalier?"

  "Why," answered I, "I think that your senhor is, for a fair man, thehandsomest I ever saw--but still the beautiful dark eyes of the DonnaEmilia's cavalier are equally prepossessing."

  "Why, Pedro, you have mistaken the two," said Emilia, "it is Don Perez,the fair one, who is my admirer, and the dark senhor is Don Florez, whois in love with my sister." I perceived that I had made a mistake whenI delivered the notes, and Teresa coloured up. But I had sense enoughto answer:--"Very true, madam, you are right; I now recollect that I amconfounding the two."

  Shortly afterwards the aunt came into the room, and Teresa quitted it,beckoning me to follow her. As soon as I had joined her, she said,"Now, Pedro, tell the truth: did you not make the mistake that youstated, and deliver my note to the fair cavalier, Don Perez?"

  I answered, "that I had, as I had already delivered Emilia's note to thedark gentleman." Donna Teresa put her hands over her face, and weptbitterly,--"Pedro, you must now keep this secret, for it is of thegreatest importance.--My God, what will become of me?" cried she; andfor some time she was in the greatest distress: at last she wiped hereyes, and after much reflection, she took up paper and wrote a note."Pedro, take this note to the direction; recollect it is for the darkcavalier that it is intended." Teresa had read the note of Emilia toDon Perez, which had been received by Don Florez--in consequence herpresent note ran thus:--"You may think me harsh for having refused tosee you last night, but I was afraid. Do not accuse me with triflingwith your feelings, I will meet you in the saloon that leads to thegarden, which was last night occupied; come at ten this evening."

  I went out with the note and gave it into the hands of Don Florez. "Mydear boy, tell Donna Teresa I will not fail; I know now why she couldnot receive me last night; I only hope I may be as fortunate as DonPerez." He put a doubloon in my hand, and I went away. I had notquitted the street when I met Don Perez.

  "Ah! my little page, this is indeed lucky; just step to my rooms while Iwrite a note to Donna Emilia." I did so, and he gave me aquarter-doubloon as before. "I thank you, senhor," replied I; "whatwith the doubloons of Don Florez and your quarter-doubloons, I shallsoon be a rich man."

  "How say you," replied he, "Don Florez give you doubloons--then hespoils the market; but I must not allow him to pay you better than I do,or I shall not be served so faithfully.--Here's a doubloon and a half,which, with what you have already received, will make the accountssquare." I made my bow, and with many thanks withdrew.

  Young as I was, I had an idea that something had occurred at themistaken meeting of last night, which seriously affected Donna Teresa.As I was much more partial to her than to her sister, I resolved not todeliver the note of Don Perez to Emilia, until I had consulted DonnaTeresa. On my return, I beckoned her into her chamber, and told her theanswer of Don Florez, with his observation, "that he hoped he should beas fortunate as Don Perez was last night." She coloured with shame andvexation; and I then told her how I had met Don Perez, and what hadpassed. I then gave her the note, and asked whether I should deliver itor not. She hastily tore it open--it ran as follows:--"How can Isufficiently express my gratitude to my adored Emilia, for her kindnessto me last night? Tell me, dearest angel, when am I to have thepleasure of meeting you again in the saloon? Till you once more grantme the favour, life will be a blank."

  "Pedro," said she, "you have indeed done me a service--you have been mypreserver. How can I ever repay you?"

  "Give me a double allowance of kisses, this time," replied I.

  "I will give you a thousand," answered she; and she kissed and blessedme while tears ran down her cheeks: she then took some paper, andimitating the hand-writing, wrote as follows:--"I must submit to yourwishes, Donna Emilia; and while your sister blesses Don Florez, mustyield to the severity of your disposition. Still I hope that you willrelent--I am very miserable; write to me, if you have any love stillremaining for your adorer.--Perez."

  "Take this to Emilia, my sweet child.--What can I do to reward you?"

  "Why you must take care of my money," said I, "for if my mistress findsit out, I shall never be able to tell how I came by it." She smiledmournfully as she received my doubloons, and locked them up in atrinket-box. "I will add to your wealth, Pedro," said she.

  "No," replied I, "only kisses from you." I told her why her aunt gaveme the two reals, and we separated. I delivered the note to DonnaEmilia, who in the afternoon put an answer into my hand; but I would notact without Donna Teresa knowing what took place; and it occurred to me,that it would be very possible to repair the mischief which my mistakehad occasioned. I therefore took the answers of Donna Emilia to herlover to Donna Teresa, and told her what I thought. "My dear Pedro, youare indeed a treasure to me," replied Teresa.

  She opened Emilia's note, which ran as follows:--"You accuse me ofunkindness, which I do not deserve. Heaven knows my heart is but tooyielding. I will arrange a meeting as soon as I possibly can; but as Ibefore said, my aunt is suspicious, and I cannot make up my mind, likeTeresa, to run the risk of discovery."

  Teresa tore up this note; and wrote as follows:--"If a woman has themisfortune to yield too much to the solicitations of her lover, hebecomes arrogant, and claims as a right, what only can be received as afavour. I consider that what passes in darkness should remain as secretin the breast, and as silent in the tongue. I now tell you candidly,that I shall consider it as an insult, if ever you refer to the meetingof last night; and to punish you for your arrogant request of another,shall treat you with the same reserve as before. Recollect that theleast intimation of it, however private we may be, will be the signal ofyour dismissal. At the same time, expecting implicit obedience to thiscommand, I shall punish you no further, if you offend not again. When Ifeel inclined to see you, I will let you know. Till then, Yours,etcetera."

  I took this note to Don Perez, whom I found at his lodgings drinking incompany with Don Florez, for they had no secrets from each other. Perezopened the note, and appeared a little astonished. "Read this, Florez,"said he, "and tell me if woman is no
t a riddle."

  "Well, now I like her spirit," replied Florez, "some women would havebeen dying with apprehension at your leaving them: she, on the contrary,considers that you are under greater obligations than before; andassumes her dominion over you. I recommend you to comply with herinjunctions, if you wish to retain her love."

  "I don't know but what you are right, Florez; and as we are lords andmasters after marriage, it is but fair, that they should hold theiruninterrupted sway before. I feel more attached to her than ever; andif she chooses to play the tyrant, why she shall. It shows her goodsense; for keeping us off, is the only way to induce us to go on."

  I returned home, delivering a note from Don Perez to Emilia, stating hisintention to abide by her wishes, and stated to Donna Teresa all thathad passed between the cavaliers.

  "Thanks to your prudence and sagacity, my dear little Pedro, all as yetis well; but it may yet be discovered; for I will now confide to you,that the tenderness last night, intended for Don Florez, was by yourmistake, and the darkness and silence prescribed at the meeting,lavished upon my sister's admirer. But all will I trust be well, and Ishall not suffer for an unintentional misfortune."

  That evening Don Florez was received by Teresa in the saloon; and thenext morning, I was sitting as usual by my mistress, when she asked,"Well, Pedro, have you discovered any thing?"

  "Yes, madam," replied I.

  "And what is it, child?"

  "Why, madam, a gentleman asked me to give a letter, but I would not."

  "Who was it for, child?"

  "I don't know, madam, for I refused to take it in my hand."

  "Well, Pedro, you were right; the next time he offers you a letter takeit, and bring it to me."

  "I will, madam," said I. "Here are two reals for you, child--have youspent the last I gave you?"

  I left the room--when Donna Emilia met me outside, and put a note intomy hand for Don Perez. I first took it to my friend Teresa, who openedit:--"At last my affection has borne down my resolution, and I consentto see you. There is no other way but in the saloon. Be careful not tooffend me, or it will be for the last time."

  "This may go, Pedro," said Teresa, "and you may call at Don Florez'slodgings as you pass by."

  I delivered the note to Don Perez, and before he had finished it, DonFlorez entered the room.--"Congratulate me, my dear friend," said he."I was received as kindly as I could wish."

  "And my fair one has not taken long to relent," answered Perez, "for Ihave an appointment with her this evening. Pedro, tell your mistress,that I do not write, but that I bless her for her kindness, and shallnot fail to meet her.--Do you understand? Well, what are you waitingfor? Oh! you little rogue, I understand," and he threw me adoubloon.--"Florez, you give that boy too much money, and I am obligedto do the same." Florez laughed, and I again took my departure.

  Thus did I continue in my vocation for some time, when the old lady fellsick and died. She divided her fortune between her two nieces, and asthey were now independent, they married their respective lovers; but theold lady forgot to mention me in her will, and I should have been turnedadrift on the world had it not been for Donna Teresa, who immediatelyappointed me as her own attendant. I was as happy as before, althoughno more doubloons fell into my hands, after the marriages took place.It appears that Don Perez was so much afraid of offending Donna Emilia,that he never ventured to speak of the meeting, which he supposed he hadwith her in the saloon, until after marriage then, feeling himself quiteat liberty, he had laughed at her on the subject. Donna Emilia was allastonishment, declared most positively that it had not taken place; andalthough he at first ridiculed the idea of her denial, yet recollectingthat he still had her notes in his possession, he brought them out, andshowed her the one in which she had prohibited him from speaking on thesubject. Donna Emilia protested that it was not her writing, and wasconfounded at the apparent mystery. She stated that Teresa had agreedto meet Don Florez in the saloon that night.

  "On the contrary," replied Don Perez, "he received a letter from DonnaTeresa, refusing him a meeting, at the same time that I received thisfrom you, giving me the assignation."

  Donna Emilia burst into tears. "I see how it is," replied she, "thepage by mistake has given the note which I wrote you to Don Florez, andTeresa's note fell into your hands. You have taken an unworthyadvantage of the circumstance, and have met my sister. Never make mebelieve, Don Perez, that you were not aware of the mistake, when shereceived you in the saloon--or that she could not distinguish you fromDon Florez. Cruel sister, thus to rob me of my happiness! TreacherousDon Perez, thus to betray your friend and me!"

  Don Perez tried all he could to pacify his wife, but in vain. Herjealousy, her pride, and her conscientious scruples were roused, and shewould not listen to any reasoning or protestations. Although he wasalmost certain, that the fact was as his wife had stated, he determinedto make sure by referring to me. He came to Don Florez's house, andafter staying a little while with him and his wife, during which heappeared so uneasy that they asked him whether he was unwell, he wentaway making a sign for me to follow him. He then entered into all theparticulars, and asked me about the delivery of the notes. I took itfor granted, that an explanation had taken place between him and hiswife--my only object was to save Donna Teresa.

  "Senhor, whether what Donna Emilia says is true, I know not," replied I;"but, that it was not Donna Teresa who met you, I can certify, for I wasin her room with her that night till she went to bed, playing at piquetfor sugar-plums."

  "Then who could it be," observed he.

  "I know not, senhor, for I did not go down stairs, where my mistresswas, because she had sent me to bed, and I knew that I should have beenscolded for being up. Therefore I cannot say whether Donna Emilia waswith you or not."

  Don Perez meditated some time, and then came to the conclusion that hiswife was ashamed of having been too indulgent to him in an unguardedmoment, and would not acknowledge it. Still he was far from beingsatisfied. He returned home, to explain what he had gathered to hiswife but found that she had left the house some time before, withoutstating whither she was going. As soon as Don Perez left the house, Ihastened to my mistress, to acquaint her with what had passed, and whatI had told him.

  "I thank you for your kind intention, Pedro, but I am afraid that allwill be discovered. It is a judgment on me for my folly andindiscretion."

  In the mean time, Donna Emilia, who had taken refuge in a neighbouringconvent, sent for Don Florez. He found her in the convent-parlour intears. Convinced by jealousy that her sister had an attachment to DonPerez, and that there had been a mutual understanding, she stated to DonFlorez the whole of the circumstances, and pointing out to him howtreacherously they both had been treated, acquainted him with herintention of retiring from the world.

  Don Florez, stirred to madness by the information, exclaimed--"It wasfor this, then, that she put me off on that night, and was kind to methe next. Cursed dupe that I have been; but, thank Heaven, it is nottoo late to be revenged. Don Perez, you shall pay dearly for this." Sosaying, he quitted Donna Emilia, uncertain whether he should first wreakhis vengeance upon Don Perez or his wife. But this point was soondecided, for at the convent gate he encountered Don Perez, who had beeninformed whither his wife had retreated.

  "You are the person I have been anxiously wishing to see, Don Perez--treacherous villain, void of all honour."

  "Not so, Don Florez. I am an unfortunate man, who is half mad by acruel mistake which has occurred. Recall your words, for they areunjust."

  "I do not intend to recall them, but assert the truth with the point ofmy rapier. If you are not as great a coward, as you are a villain, youwill follow me."

  "Such language will admit of no reply. I am at your service," cried DonPerez.

  The two brothers-in-law walked in silence, until they reached a fieldhard by, where they threw off their cloaks, and fought with the fury ofdemons. Victory was decided in favour of Don Perez; his
sword passedthrough the heart of his adversary, who never spoke again. Don Perezviewed the body with a stern countenance, wiped his sword, took up hiscloak, and walked straight to the house of Don Florez. "Donna Teresa,"said he, (I only was present,) "I call upon you, as you value salvationin the day of judgment, to tell me the truth. Was it you, that, by anunfortunate mistake, I met one night in the saloon; and were thosecaresses, intended for Don Florez, bestowed upon me?"

  There was a wildness, a ferocity in his air that frightened her; shestammered out at last:--"for my sins, it is true; but you know, toowell, that I never was false in heart, although when I found out mymistake, I attempted to conceal my indiscretion."

  "Had you, madam, been as virtuous as your sister, all this mischiefwould not have happened--and your husband would not now be lying acorpse, by the hand of his brother."

  Donna Teresa fainted at the intelligence, and Don Perez immediatelyquitted the house. I hastened to her assistance, and succeeded inrestoring her to life.

  "It is but too true," said she, mournfully; "crime will always meet withpunishment, in this world, or in the next. By permitting my love toovercome the dictates of virtue, by being too fond of my husband, I havemurdered him. Oh God! I have murdered him and rendered the lives oftwo others as much a burden to them as my own will ever be. My poor,dear sister, where is she?"

  I tried all my powers of consolation, but in vain: all she requested wasthat I would find out where her sister was, and let her know. I set offupon my melancholy task, and met the people hearing in the body of DonFlorez. I shuddered as it passed by, when I recollected how principal apart I had acted in the tragedy. I soon gained the information, andbrought it to Donna Teresa. She dressed herself in deep mourning, and,desiring me to follow her, knocked at the convent gate, and, requestingto see the superior, was admitted. The superior came out of the parlourto receive her, not wishing that any one should enter, while DonnaEmilia was in such a state of misery and despair.

  "It is my sister that I come to see, madam, and I must not be refused:lead me to her, and be witness of the scene, if you please."

  The superior, who was not aware that Emilia would have refused to seeDonna Teresa, led the way, and we were ushered into the presence ofEmilia, who, looking up as Donna Teresa entered, turned away from her asif in abhorrence.

  "Emilia," said my mistress, "we are born of the same mother, we havelived as children, and we have grown up together; never did we have asecret from each other, till this unfortunate mistake occurred. On myknees, I request you to listen to me, and to believe what I say."

  "Plead your cause with your husband, Teresa; it is more necessary topacify him than me."

  "I have no husband, Emilia; he is now pleading his own cause with God--for he has fallen by the sword of yours."

  Donna Emilia started.

  "Yes, Emilia, dear, dear sister, it is but too true, and still moretrue, that you have caused his death. Do not kill me too, Emilia, byrefusing to believe what I declare, as I hope for eternal salvation--that I never was aware of the mistake, until the boy discovered it tome, on the ensuing day. If you knew the shame, the vexation, the fearof discovery which racked my frame, when I was but too sure of it, youwould forgive my having tried to hide a fault, the knowledge of whichwould make others miserable, as well as me. Say you believe me--say youforgive me, Emilia. Oh! Emilia, cannot you forgive a sister?"

  Emilia answered not, and Teresa, clinging to her knees, and embracingthem, sobbed hysterically. At this moment Don Perez, who had obtainedadmittance to see his wife, came into the room, and walking up to thepart in which the two unfortunate ladies remained in the attitudesdescribed, said,--"You, Teresa, who have been the original cause of thisunhappy business, I mean not to reproach again. Your punishment hasbeen greater than your offence. It is to you, madam, I must addressmyself; who, by not believing in the words of truth, have caused me toslay my dearest friend and brother, and, after having unwittinglywounded him in the tenderest point, add to the injury by taking away hislife. Are you yet satisfied, madam? Are you satisfied with havingembittered my days by your injustice and unworthy suspicions--by havingreduced your unfortunate, yet not guilty sister, to the state of anunhappy, lonely woman, now suing in vain for pardon at your feet; byhaving been the occasion of the death of your brother by marriage--herhusband and my friend? Say, madam, are you yet satisfied, or will youhave more victims to your unbelief?"

  Emilia answered not, but continued with her face averted.

  "Be it so, then, madam;" replied Don Perez; and, before any one wasaware of his intention, he drew his sword, and fell upon it. "Now,Emilia, let the sacrifice of my life be a proof to you of my sincerity.As I hope for pardon, I have told the truth;" and Don Perez fell on hisback, and was dead.

  Emilia started round when he fell, and threw herself down by his side inhorror and amazement. The film that passion had thrown over her eyeswas removed, as she witnessed the last melancholy result of herunbelief. When Don Pedro ceased speaking, she threw herself on hisbody, in an agony of grief.--"I do, I do believe--Perez. I do, I do!Oh! indeed I do believe--speak to me, Perez--O God, he is dying!--Sister, Teresa, come, come, he'll speak to you--he's not angry withyou--Sister, sister, speak--O God! O God!" screamed the unhappy woman,"he's dead--and I have murdered him!"--and she dashed her head upon thefloor. Teresa hastened to her sister, and held her in her arms, whilethe tears poured fast. It was some time before reason resumed her seat;at last, exhausted by the violence of her feelings, she was relievedwith a flood of tears.

  "Who is it?--you, Teresa--kind sister, whom I have used so ill--I dobelieve you--I do believe, Teresa; God forgive me! kiss me, sister, andsay that you forgive me--for am I not punished?"

  "It is all my fault," answered Teresa, bursting into tears: "Oh! howwicked, how foolish have I been!"

  "No, no, sister, your fault is small, compared to mine; you allowed yourpassion to overcome you, but it arose from an excess of love, the bestfeeling in our nature--the only remnant of heaven left us since ourfall. I too have allowed my passion to overcome me; but whence has itarisen?--from hatred and jealousy, feelings which were implanted bydemons, and which create a hell wherever they command. But it is done,and repentance comes too late."

  The unfortunate sisters embraced each other and mingled their tearstogether; and I hardly need say, that the lady abbess and I could notrestrain our meed of pity at the affecting scene. As the eveningclosed, they separated, each to attend to the same mournful duty, ofwatching by the bodies of their husbands, and bedewing them with theirtears. A few days after the interments took place, Emilia sent for hersister, and after an affectionate interview, took the veil in theconvent to which she had retired--endowing the church with her property.Donna Teresa did not take the veil; but employed herself in the moreactive duties of charity and benevolence; but she gradually wastedaway--her heart was broken. I stayed with her for three years, when shedied, leaving a considerable sum to me, and the remainder of her wealthto beneficent institutions. This is about five years ago; since when Ihave been living on the property, which is nearly all expended by myextravagance. The stigma on my birth is, however, the only subjectwhich has weighed upon my spirits--this is providentially removed, and Itrust that I shall not disgrace the mother who has so kindlyacknowledged me, or the dear girl who has honoured this faulty personwith her attachment.

  My mother and Clara thanked me when I had concluded my narrative, and weremained unto a late hour entering upon family affairs, and planning forthe future. My mother informed me that upon the estates she had only alife interest, as they were entailed, and would revert to a cousin; butthat she had laid by a considerable sum of money, intending it as adowry for my Clara, and that she hoped to increase it before she died.As I was anxious to quit Seville, where I feared daily discovery, Iproposed that we should retire to the estate near Carthagena, by whichnot only a considerable expense would be saved, but I should feel morehappy in the company of Clara and herself.
My mother and my intendedgladly consented to the proposal, not only for the above reasons, butbecause she was aware that the questions which might be asked about mewould tend to the injury of her character. In less than a fortnight theestablishment at Seville was broken up, and we retired to the country,where I was made happy by the possession of my Clara. I now consideredmyself as secure from any discovery, and although I had led a life ofduplicity, meant by future good conduct to atone for the past. WhetherDonna Celia was my mother or not, I felt towards her as if she was, andafter some time from habit considered it an established fact. My Clarawas as kind and endearing as I could desire; and for five years I was ashappy as I could wish. But it was not to last: I was to be punished formy deceit. My marriage with Clara, and the mystery attached to mybirth, which was kept secret, had irritated the heir of the estate, whohad been in hopes, by marrying Clara himself, to secure the personal aswell as the real property. We occasionally met, but we met with rancourin our hearts, for I resented his behaviour towards me. Fearful ofdiscovery, I had never paid any attention to music since my marriage; Ihad always pretended that I could not sing. Even my wife was not awareof my talent; and although latterly I had no fear of the kind, yet as Ihad always stated my inability, I did not choose to bring forth atalent, the reason for concealing which I could not explain even to mywife and mother, without acknowledging the deception of which I had beenguilty.

  It happened that one evening at a large party I met my cousin, the heirof the entailed estates. We were very joyous and merry, and had drunk agood deal more than usual. The wine was powerful, and had taken effectupon most of us. Singing was introduced, and the night passed merrilyaway, more visitors occasionally dropping in. My cousin was much elatedwith wine, and made several ill-natured remarks, which were meant forme. I took no notice for some time, but, as he continued, I answeredwith such spirit, as to arouse his indignation. My own blood boiled;but the interference of mutual friends pacified us for the time, and werenewed our applications to the bottle. My cousin was called upon for asong; he had a fine voice and considerable execution, and was muchapplauded.

  "Now then," said he, in an ironical tone, "perhaps Don Pedro will obligethe company; although perhaps the real way to oblige them will be by notattempting that of which he is not capable."

  Stung with this sarcasm, and flushed with wine, I forgot my prudence.Snatching the guitar from him, after a prelude which created thegreatest astonishment of all present, I commenced one of my mostsuccessful airs: I sang it in my best style, and it electrified thewhole party. Shouts proclaimed my victory, and the defeat of myrelative. Some embraced me in their enthusiasm, and all loudly encored;but as soon as there was a moment's silence, I heard a voice behind meobserve--"Either that is the monk Anselmo's voice, or the devil's."

  I started at the words, and turned round to the speaker, but he hadmingled with the crowd, and I could not discover who it was. Iperceived that my relative had followed him on; and I now cursed my ownimprudence. As soon as I could, I made my escape from the company, andreturned home. As I afterwards found out, my relative had immediatelycommunicated with the person who had made the observation. He was oneof the priests who knew me at Seville. From him, my cousin gained theinformation that brother Anselmo had left the convent about five yearsago, and not having returned, it was thought that an accident hadhappened to him. But a discovery had since been made, which led them tosuppose, that brother Anselmo had, for some time, been carrying on asystem of deception. You may remember I stated, that when I resumed myworldly apparel to introduce myself as the son of Donna Celia, I changedthe dress at my lodgings. I locked up my friar's dress and the falsetonsure in the chest, intending to have returned, and destroyed it; butI quite forgot it, and left Seville with the key of my lodgings in mypocket. The landlord waited until his rent was due, when not hearingany thing of me, he broke open the door and found the chest. This heopened, and discovered the false tonsure and friar's gown. Knowing themonastic order to which it belonged, and suspecting some mischief; hetook it to our convent, and all the habits of the monks being numberedin the inside, it was immediately recognised as mine: the false tonsurealso betrayed that I must have been breaking through the rules of myorder, and the most rigorous search after me was made for some timewithout success. Possessed of this information, my vindictive relativerepaired to Seville to ascertain the exact date of my quitting theconvent, and found that it was about a fortnight previous to Donna Celiahaving quitted Seville. He then repaired to the landlord for furtherinformation. The landlord stated that the lodgings had been taken by amonk, for his brother, who had occupied them. He described thebrother's person, which exactly corresponded with mine; and my relationwas convinced that the monk Anselmo and Don Pedro were one and the sameperson. He immediately gave notice to the Inquisition. In the meantime, I was in the greatest consternation. I felt that I should bediscovered, and reflected upon my conduct. I had lately abjured alldeceit, and had each day gained a step in the path of virtue. Iacknowledged with bitterness, that I deserved all that threatened me,and that, sooner or later, vice will meet with its reward. Had I atfirst made known my situation to Donna Celia, she would have hadinterest enough (believing me to be her son), to have obtained adispensation of my vows. I then might have boldly faced the world--butone act of duplicity required another to support it, and thus had Ientangled myself in a snare, by which I was to be entrapped at last.But it was not for myself that I cared; it was for my wife whom I dotedon--for my mother (or supposed mother), to whom it would be thebitterness of death. The thoughts of rendering others miserable as wellas myself drove me to distraction--and how to act I knew not.

  After much reflection, I resolved as a last resource, to throw myselfupon the generosity of my adversary; for although inimical to me, hebore a high character as a Spanish cavalier. I desired to be informedthe moment that he returned from Seville; and when the intelligencecame, I immediately repaired to his house, and requested an audience. Iwas admitted; when Don Alvarez, for that was his name, addressed me.

  "You wish to speak with me, Don Pedro--there are others at your house bythis time who wish to speak with you."

  I guessed that he meant the officers of the Inquisition; but pretendingnot to understand the remark, I answered him:--"Don Alvarez, the enmitythat you have invariably shown towards me has, I am sure, proceeded fromthe affront, which you consider that your noble family has received, byyour cousin having formed an alliance with one of unknown parentage. Ihave long borne with your pointed insults, out of respect for her whogave me birth; I am now about to throw myself upon your generosity, andprobably when I inform you, that I am the unhappy issue of the earlyamour of Donna Celia (which of course you have heard of), I may thenclaim your compassion, if not your friendship, from having at least someof the same noble blood in my veins."

  "I was not indeed aware of it," replied Don Alvarez, with agitation; "Iwould to Heaven you had confided in me before."

  "Perhaps it would have been better," replied I, "but permit me to provemy assertions." I then stated my having been the friar Anselmo, thediscovery of my birth by accident, and the steps which I had taken. "Iam aware," continued I, "that I have been much to blame, but my love forDonna Clara made me regardless of consequences. Your unfortunate enmityinduced me, in an unguarded moment, to expose myself; and it willprobably end in my destruction."

  "I acknowledge the truth of your remark, and that no power can save you,I lament it, Don Pedro; but what is done cannot be undone. Even now theofficers of the Inquisition are at your house." As he uttered thesewords, a loud knocking at the door announced that they had followed me."This must not be Don Pedro," said Don Alvarez, "step this way." Heopened a panel, and desired me to go in--and he hardly had time to shutit before the officers came into the room.

  "You have him here, Don Alvarez, have you not?" inquired the chief.

  "No, unfortunately," replied he, "I tried to detain him, but suspectingsome discovery h
e forced his way out, sword in hand, and has gone I donot know in what direction; but he cannot be far--saddle all the horsesin my stable and pursue the sacrilegious wretch. I would sacrifice halfmy worldly wealth, that he should not escape my vengeance."

  As Don Alvarez was the informant, and uttered these words with theapparent violence of rage, the inquisitors had no suspicion, buthastened to comply with his request. As soon as they had departed, heopened the panel and let me out.

  "So far, Don Pedro, have I proved the sincerity of my assertion; butnow, what remains to be done?"

  "But one thing, Don Alvarez, to conceal the truth from my poor wife andmother. I could bear it all with firmness, but for them," (and I fellon a sofa, and burst into tears.) Don Alvarez was much affected.

  "Oh, Don Pedro! it is too late now, or I should say, `What a warningthis ought to be to us--that honesty is the best policy!' had youcommunicated to me the mystery of your birth, this never would haveoccurred. Instead of having been your persecutor, I should have beenyour friend--What can I do?"

  "Kill me, Don Alvarez," replied I, baring my breast, "and I will blessyou for the deed. My death may afflict them, but they will recover fromtheir grief in time; but to know that I am murdered by the Inquisition,as a sacrilegious impostor, will bring them to their grave with shameand mortification."

  "Your observation is correct; but kill you I must not. I will, however,so far comply with your wishes, that I will bear the news of your death,and their hatred of the deed, rather than the family should bedisgraced." He then went to his scrutoire, and taking out a bag of onethousand pistoles--"This is all the money that I have at present--itwill serve you for some time. Put on one of my servant's dresses, and Iwill accompany you to a seaport, and secure your safety before I leaveyou. I will then state, that I met you in a fair duel, and will bribethe officers of the Inquisition to hold their tongues about thecircumstances which have been communicated."

  The advice was good, and I agreed to it; following him as a servant, Iarrived safely at Carthagena, whence I took a passage for New Spain. Wesailed; and before we were clear of the Straits of Gibraltar, we wereattacked by one of the cruisers of the state. We fought desperately,but were overpowered by numbers; and they took possession, after we hadlost more than half of our crew. They brought us into this port; where,with the rest, I was sold as a slave.

  "Such is my history," ended the Spaniard, "which I trust has affordedsome amusement to your sublime highness."

  The immediate answer of the pacha was a loud yawn.

  "Shukur Allah! Praise be to God you have done talking. I do notunderstand much about it," continued the pacha, turning round toMustapha; "but how can we expect a good story from an unbelieving dog ofa Christian?"

  "Wallah thaib! Well said, by God!" replied Mustapha; "who was Lokman,that they talk of his wisdom? Are not these words of more value thanstrung pearls?"

  "What was the name of the country?" demanded the pacha.

  "Spain, your sublime highness; the infidel tribes which you allow toremain there, are employed in cultivating the olive for true believers."

  "Very true," rejoined the pacha; "I remember now. Let the kafir tasteof our bounty. Give him two pieces of gold; and allow him to depart."

  "May the shadow of your sublime highness never be less," said theSpaniard. "I have here a manuscript which I received from an ancientmonk of our order when at the point of death. At the time of my captureit was thrown on one side, and I preserved it as curious. It refers tothe first discovery of an island. As your highness is pleased to beamused with stories, it may be worth while to have it translated." TheDominican then handed from his breast a discoloured piece of parchment.

  "Very good," replied the pacha, rising. "Mustapha let it be put intoArabic by the Greek slave, who shall read it to us some evening when wehave no story-tellers."

  "Be chesm! Upon my eyes be it," replied Mustapha, bowing low, as thepacha retired to his harem.