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The Pacha of Many Tales Page 5


  The pacha had repeated his perambulations for many nights, withoutsuccess; and Mustapha, who observed that he was becoming very impatient,thought it advisable to cater for his amusement.

  Among those who used to repair to Mustapha when he exercised his formerprofession, was a French renegade, a man of considerable talent andready invention, but a most unprincipled scoundrel, who, previous to theelevation of Mustapha, had gained his livelihood by daring piraticalattempts in an open boat. He was now in the employ of the vizier,commanding an armed xebeque which the latter had purchased. She passedoff as a government cruiser but was in reality a pirate. Selim, forthat was the name which the renegade had adopted when he abjured hisfaith, condemned every vessel that had the misfortune to meet with him,taking out the cargoes, burning the hull, and throwing the crewsoverboard, with the privilege of swimming on shore if they could. Bythis plan he avoided the inconveniences attending any appeals from thejurisdiction of the High Court of Admiralty, which he had establishedupon the seas.

  The consequence was, that his cruises were more successful than ever;and Mustapha, who was not content with pillaging the pacha's subjects ondry land, was amassing a large fortune at their expense by his maritimespeculations.

  Occasionally, bales or packages would be recognised when landed ashaving the identical marks and numbers of those which had been shippedfrom the quay but a fortnight before; but the renegade could always givea satisfactory explanation to the vizier; and after a Jew, who could notbear the idea of parting with his property without remonstrance, hadbeen impaled, people shrugged up their shoulders and said nothing.

  Now it occurred to Mustapha, that Selim might be able to assist hisviews. He talked fast and loud, vaunted his own exploits, curled hiswhiskers as he swore to the most improbable assertions, and had become ageneral nuisance and terror since he had obtained the vizier'sprotection.

  Mustapha sent for him; and, as a preliminary question, inquired if everhe had read the Arabian Nights.

  "Yes; vizier," replied the renegade; "many years before I turned Turk."

  "Do you recollect the voyages of Sindbad the Sailor?"

  "To be sure I do; he is the only man that could ever hold a candle to mein lying."

  "Well, then, his highness the pacha delights in such stories; and it ismy wish that you prepare to recount your own voyages, as Sindbad hasdone before you."

  "But what am I to get for it?"

  "My good-will and protection; besides which, his highness if pleased,will not fail to order you a handsome present."

  "Well," replied Selim, "any man who can produce gold in this world willalways be able to change it for base metal. I can coin lies in my mintfaster than he can coin sequins in his; and since you wish it, and saythat it will be profitable, why--I am very much at his service."

  "Then, Selim, observe my directions, for every thing must appearaccidental."

  In pursuance to the orders received from Mustapha, the renegade remainedthat evening at the corner of a certain street, through which Mustaphatook care that the pacha should pass in his disguise. When he perceivedtheir approach, the renegade exclaimed, "Allah, Allah! when is the happytime to come, promised in my seventh and last voyage?"

  "Who are you; and why do you call upon Heaven for happy times?" inquiredthe pacha.

  "I am Huckaback the sailor," replied the renegade, "who, after a life ofdanger and disaster, am anxiously awaiting the fulfilment of a promisefrom the Most High."

  "I must see this man to-morrow," observed the pacha:--"Mustapha, as youvalue your life, see that he attends."

  The vizier bowed; and the pacha returned to the palace without furtheradventure.

  The next day, as soon as the business of the divan had closed, therenegade was ordered in. Prostrating himself before the pacha, he thenrose, and folding his arms over his breast, awaited his commands insilence.

  "I have sent for you, Huckaback, to inquire the meaning of the words youmade use of last night: and to know what was the promise made to you inyour seventh and last voyage; but I will thank you to begin at thefirst, as I wish to hear the history of all your voyages."

  "May it please your highness, as I live but to obey you, all that hasoccurred in my eventful life shall, if you command it, be submitted toyour ear. It will, however, be necessary that I should revert to myearly days to enable your highness more fully to comprehend the whole."

  "Aferin! well said," replied the pacha; "I don't care how long a storyit is, provided that it is a good one:" and Selim having obeyed a signfrom his highness, intimating that he might sit down, commenced asfollows:--



  I am a native of Marseilles, your highness, where I was brought up tothe profession of my father; a profession (continued the wily renegade)which, I have no hesitation to assert, has produced more men of generalinformation, and more men of talent, than any other--I mean that of abarber.


  "Wallah thaib; well said by Allah!" observed Mustapha.

  The pacha nodded his approbation; and the renegade proceeded with hisstory.


  I was gifted by nature with a ready invention, and some trouble andexpense were bestowed upon my education. To the profession of a barbermy father added that of bleeding and tooth-drawing. At ten years old Icould cut hair pretty well. People did say, that those upon whom I hadoperated, looked as if their heads had been gnawed by the rats; but itwas the remark of envy; and, as my father observed, "there must be abeginning to every thing."

  At fifteen, I entered upon the rudiments of shaving; and after havingnearly ruined my father's credit, from the pounds of flesh which Iremoved with the hair of my customers, who were again consoled by hisobserving, that "there must be a beginning to every thing," I becamequite expert. I was subsequently initiated into the higher branches oftooth-drawing and bleeding. In the former, at first I gave greatdissatisfaction, either from breaking the decayed tooth short off, andleaving the stump in the socket, or from mistaking the one pointed out,and drawing a sound engine of mastication in its stead. In the latter,I made more serious mistakes, having more than once cut so deep as toopen the artery, while I missed the vein; in consequence of which I wasnever afterwards employed, except by a husband to relieve a scoldingwife, or by nephews who were anxious about the health of an everlastinguncle. But, as my father wisely observed, "there must be a beginning toevery thing;" and, as I could only practise upon living subjects,"individuals must suffer for the good of the community at large." Atthe age of twenty I was an accomplished barber.

  But rapid as was my career, I was not fated to continue in it long.Like the shot propelled from the mouth of the cannon, which, in itsextreme velocity, is turned from the direction which has been given itby glancing along the weakest substance, so was my course of lifechanged from its direction by meeting with a woman.

  My father had a good customer; he had shaved him every morning foryears, had extracted every tooth in his head, and was now winding up hislong account by bleeding him daily, under the direction of an ignorantapothecary. I was often at the house,--not to bleed him, for my fathereither thought him too valuable, or was too grateful for past favours totrust him in my hands;--but I held the basin, procured water, andarranged the bandages. He had a daughter, a lovely girl, whom I adoredin secret; but her rank in life was too far above mine to allow me toexpress my feelings. I was then a handsome young man, although Time hassince exerted his utmost, through jealousy, to make me appear almost asold and ill-favoured as himself. The young lady took a fancy to me,complained of the tooth-ache, and asked for remedies. I offered toextract the tooth; but either having heard of my reputation, or notwishing to remove the excuse for our interviews, or, what is still moreprobable, having no too
th-ache whatever, she would not consent.

  The death of her mother, which had taken place when she was a child, hadleft her without guidance,--and the helpless situation of her father,without protection. Naturally of a warm temperament, and yielding tothe impulse of her feelings, she carried on an intimacy which could onlyend in her disgrace; and, at the expiration of a year, her situationcould no longer be concealed. I was now in a dilemma. She had twobrothers in the army, who were returning home, and I dreaded theirvengeance.

  I loved her very much, but I loved myself more; so, one evening, Ipacked up all that I could call my own, and all that I could lay myhands on belonging to my honoured parent, and shipped on board a Genoesevessel, which was then standing out of the harbour. She was a largeship, mounting twelve long guns, with a complement of sixty men; beingwhat is termed in European countries a "letter of marque." This impliesthat she fights her way without convoy, capturing any of the enemy'svessels she may happen to fall in with, who are not strong enough toresist her. We had cleared out for Genoa with a cargo of lead, whichlay at the bottom of the hold, and which merely served for ballast.

  I soon found out, by the conversation of the crew, that we were not toproceed to Genoa direct; in fact, your highness, she was a pirate,manned by a most desperate set of men. As soon as my qualificationswere made known, I had the honour to remove the beards of sixty of thegreatest villains that ever were permitted to exist, receiving nothingbut blows and curses for my trouble. I certainly improved very much inmy profession; for it was as much as my life was worth to draw blood,although they made no scruple of carrying on a conversation during thewhole time of the operation. We had taken the cargoes out of severalvessels, all of which were added to the "manifest" by our correctcaptain; when one day, we were chased by an English frigate. I nevermet the English on shore, but I must say that, afloat, they are the mostimpertinent people that swim on the seas. They cannot be content withminding their own business, although they have plenty on their hands,but they must interfere in that of others. They board you, and insistupon knowing where you come from, whither you are bound and what youhave on board; examining you with as much scrutiny as if they had beenthe delegated custom-house officers of the whole world.

  Now it did not exactly suit our captain to submit to such a rigoroussearch; he therefore made all sail for an island about seven milesdistant, and anchored under the protection of a battery. Austria--thenation to whom the island belonged--was not at war with England; she waspreserving what is called an "armed neutrality."


  "Pray what is the meaning of an armed neutrality?" demanded the pacha.

  "It varies according to circumstances, your highness, but, generallyspeaking, it means a charge of bayonets."


  The frigate followed; and being prevented by the shallowness of thewater from approaching sufficiently near to us herself, sent her boatsto examine us: but as there were six of them full of men, and eachmounting a gun at her bow, our captain thought it advisable to refusethem permission to come on board. As a hint that he disapproved oftheir measures, he poured his whole broadside of round and grape intothem, when they were about a quarter of a mile distant: upon which theygave three cheers, and were obstinate enough to pull faster towards usthan ever.

  We received them with all the honours of war, in the shape of cutlasses,pistols, and boarding pikes but they were very determined. As soon asone was knocked down, another jumped up in his place; and somehow oranother they had possession of the ship in less time than I have beentelling the story. I was on the poop when an English sailor, with apigtail as thick as a cable, made a cut at me; I ran back to avoid theblow, and, in so doing, came with such force against another of theirmen, that we both tumbled overboard together. I lost my cutlass, but hehad not parted with his; and as soon as we rose to the surface, heseized me by the collar, and presented the point to my breast. Itseemed to be all the same to him whether he fought on the deck or in thewater. Fortunately I shifted a little on one side, and he only drove itthrough my jacket. I recollected that I had my razor in my pocket,which I took out under the water unperceived, and, closing with himbefore he could repeat his thrust, I cut his throat from ear to ear, andthen made for the shore as fast as I could. As I swam remarkably well,I had no great difficulty in reaching it. As soon as I landed, I lookedback, and observing that the English boats were towing our vessel out, Imade all the haste I could to the fort, which was close at hand. ThereI was hospitably received; and we sat up till past midnight, drinking,smoking, and abusing the English.

  The next morning, a felucca anchored to procure some water; and, as shewas proceeding to Toulon, I requested a passage. We sailed with a finebreeze; but a heavy gale came on, which tossed us about for many days,and the master of the vessel had no idea to where she had been driven.He consoled us, however, by asserting that we could never go to thebottom, as there was a lady of great sanctity passenger in the cabin,who had been sent for to assume the office of lady abbess of a conventnear Marseilles, and whom the saints would indubitably preserve.

  This was some comfort, although fine weather would have been greater.The gale continued; and the next morning we thought that we descriedland on the lee beam. The following night we were certain of ourconjectures having been correct, for the vessel was thrown on shore, andin a few minutes went to pieces. I had the good fortune to save myselfupon a part of the wreck, and lay half-dead upon the beach until themorning. When the day broke, I looked around me: there were thefragments of the vessel strewed upon the beach, or tossed in mockery bythe surge; and close to me lay the dead body of the lady, whose sanctitythe captain had assured us would be a safeguard to us all. I thenturned from the beach to look at the inland country, and perceived, tomy astonishment, that I was not three miles from my native city,Marseilles. This was a horrid discovery; for I knew that I shouldreceive no mercy, and could not proceed a mile without being recognised.What to do was now the subject of my thoughts; and at last, as I viewedthe body of the dead lady, it occurred to me that I might pass myselfoff for her.

  I stripped it of its outer garment; and having then hauled my ownclothes upon the corpse, and covered it over with sea-weed, I dressedmyself in the religious habit which she had worn, and sat down awaitingthe arrival of the people, which I knew must soon take place. I wasthen without a symptom of beard; and from the hardship and ill-treatmentwhich I had received on board of the Genoese, was thin and sallow in theface. It was easy in a nun's dress to mistake me for a woman ofthirty-five years of age, who had been secluded in a cloister. In thepockets of her clothes I found letters, which gave me the necessary clueto my story, and I resolved to pass myself off as La Soeur Eustasie,rather than he put in prison, or run through the body.

  I had scarcely time to finish reading these documents when a party,attracted by the fragments on the beach, came up to me. I narrated theloss of the vessel, the death of the whole crew, my name and condition,my having come over at the request of the bishop to assume the guidanceof the convent of St. Therese; and added, that I had called upon theVirgin in my distress, who had come to my aid, and floated me on shorewith as much care and comfort as if I had been reposing on cushions ofdown. The report was spread, and credited; for the circumstance of ahelpless woman being the sole survivor of a whole crew was miracleenough in itself.

  The bishop's carriage was sent for me, and I was conducted into thetown, followed by a concourse of priests, monks and common people, whowere anxious to kiss even the ground that had been trod upon by apersonage so especially under the protection of Heaven. I was conductedto the bishop's palace, where I held a sort of court, being visited bydeputations from the official bodies, the governor, and all the peopleof consequence. After a sojourn of three days, I removed to the conventof which I was the supposed abbess, and was enthusiastically received bythe nuns,
who flocked round me with mingled veneration and delight.

  On the second day of my establishment as abbess, the two elder sisters,who could with difficulty he got rid of even when I retired to bed thenight before, introduced the whole of the nuns in rotation, beginningwith the elder, and ending with those who last took the vow of chastity.I felt little interest, I must confess, at the commencement of mylevee; but as it came near to a close, many beautiful countenancesattracted my attention, and I gave the kiss of peace with more zest thanprudence would have justified. The last of the sisterhood came forward,and was introduced as Soeur Marie. Gracious Heaven! it was the poorgirl whom I had deserted. I started when I saw her advance: her eyeswere bent upon the ground, as if in reverence to my acknowledgedsanctity. As she knelt before me to receive the kiss, she raised themup. Love can pierce through all disguises.--At the moment, she thoughtthat she beheld her fugitive lover, and caught her breath in amazement--but recollection pointed out to her the utter impossibility of the fact,and she sighed at the uncommon likeness, as she received the kiss fromthose lips which had indeed been so often pressed to hers before.

  When the ceremony had been gone through I complained of fatigue, andrequested to be left alone.

  I wished to reflect upon what had passed, and determine how I was toact: to escape the danger which threatened me, I had placed myself in asituation of still greater difficulty. Where could it end? After along reverie, I decided that I would make Marie my _confidante_, andtrust to circumstances to guide my future conduct. I rang the bell,and, requesting the presence of the elder sister of the convent,commenced an inquiry into the different characters of the nuns who hadbeen presented.

  Flattered by the confidence demanded, there was no end to the loquacityand the ill-natured remarks of the old beldame: she held her list in herhand, and ran over the families and private history of each. It was twohours before she had finished, which she did with Marie, of whosehistory she gave me a most minute detail; and if she was as correct inher reports of all the others, I certainly had no reason to complimentmyself upon being abbess, so far as the previous characters of the nunsunder my surveillance were concerned. "Good sister," replied I, "Ithank you for your information, which I shall not fail to profit by inmy plans for the improvement of the morality of those under my charge.I have always made it a rule, that one of the sisterhood should remainin my room every night, to watch and do penance. I have found that whencoupled with my seasonable exhortations, it has produced an excellenteffect. Of course I allude not to sage and devout women like you; Irefer to those who in their folly and their flow of youthful passions,have not yet humbled themselves sufficiently by abstinence andmortification. Who would you propose to watch here this night?"

  The old beldame, who I had perceived by the violence of her manner had adislike to Marie, immediately mentioned her as one to whom severepenance would be of especial benefit. I conversed with her for anotherhalf-hour; then, wishing her good night, prepared for bed, and requestedthat Marie might be summoned to attend.

  Marie entered with her book of _Prieres_ in her hand, and, bowing humblyto me as she passed, sat down near to the lamp which was lighted beforean image of the Virgin, at the farther end of the room, and commencedher task of watching and of prayer.

  "Marie," said I, as I stood by the bed: she uttered a faint scream asshe heard my voice for the first time, and throwing herself down uponher knees before the image of the Virgin, covered her face with herhands, and appeared to be in silent but earnest supplication.

  "Marie," again said I, "come here." She rose, and came trembling to thefoot of the bed. "To you, and to you alone, do I intrust a secretwhich, if discovered, would subject me to a painful and ignominiousdeath. You were not deceived, when you started at the face beneath thenun's attire! and you must now be certain, from the voice which you haveheard, that I am indeed Francois. How I became the lady abbess of thisconvent you have yet to learn." I then narrated what I have alreadydone to your highness. "By what means," continued I, "I am to delivermyself from this dangerous situation, I know not; I have, however, oneconsolation, in finding myself once more in company with the object ofmy love. Come hither, Marie; it is indeed your own Francois."

  Marie remained at the foot of the bed, but advanced not; and I perceivedthat the tears fell fast, as she cast her eyes to heaven.

  "Speak to me, Marie, if ever you loved me."

  "That I loved you, Francois, you know full well: not even your unkinddesertion could affect that love, which was unchangeable. I dared allfor your sake; my brothers, my father, could not extort the secret fromme, and their suspicions although directed towards you, could never beconfirmed. I bore the offspring of my guilt in solitary anguish,afterwards loaded with reproaches when I needed comfort and consolation,and stunned with imprecations when I required soothing and repose. Iburied it with shame and sorrow and contumely. You had abandoned me,and I felt that all ties to this world were over. I took the veil; andnever was the world quitted by so willing a votary as myself. I havesince been peaceful, if not happy."

  "And now, Marie, you shall be happy," cried I, stretching out my arms toher. "Come to me, I will explain my motives for leaving Marseilles, andwhat my future intentions were, if they had not been frustrated byunforeseen events. All shall yet be well."

  "Francois, all is well. I have taken a solemn vow--it is registered inHeaven. You have by fraud and imposition entered into a holy place, andassumed a holy character. Add not to your crime by even harbouring theidea of impropriety, and add not to my humiliation by supposing for amoment that I am capable of being a participator.

  "Holy Virgin," cried she, falling on her knees, "I demand thy powerfulaid in this conflict of worldly passions and holy wishes. Oh! make medead to all but thee, and to the spouse whom I have accepted at thyhands."

  She then rose, and continued--"How you will be able to leave thisconvent, Francois, I know not; but your secret is safe with me, providedthat you do not again request my presence, as you have this night. Myprayers shall ever be for you; but we must meet no more!" and Mariewaved her hand mournfully, and quitted the apartment.

  Although I had always a great contempt for the Catholic religion, ofwhich I at that period was a member, I was awed by the beauty of virtueas it appeared in Marie, and I passed the night in melancholyreflections. I felt more love for her than ever, and determined uponpersuading her to quit the convent and become my wife. The next morningI sent for her.

  "Marie, you gave yourself to heaven, when you imagined that you had notie upon earth. You were deceived; there was one whom you still loved,and who still adored you. Vows made in delusion are not registered.Leave this convent with me, become my wife, and you will do your dutybetter towards heaven than by pining between these walls, which containnothing but envy, hatred, and remorse."

  "Francois, you have had my answer. What has been done, cannot beundone. Save yourself, and leave me to my unhappy fate," answeredMarie: then bursting into tears, "O Francois, why, why did you leave mewithout one word? Had you but pointed out your danger to me, I shouldhave been the first to have insisted upon your absence, and all, allwould have been borne with patience, if not with pleasure, for yoursake. If what you now say is truth, all would have been well; but now Ihave nought to cheer me in my lonely pilgrimage, and nought to wish butthat it soon may come unto its close. I forgive you, Francois; but pityme, for I deserve your pity."

  "Once more, Marie, I intreat you to consent to my proposal."

  "Never, Francois; I will not be less faithful to my God than I was toyou: he will not desert me; and if I suffer now, will reward me for ithereafter." And Marie again quitted my apartment.

  My situation in the nunnery now became insupportable, and I determinedto escape. I pleaded ill-health, and kept my bed. The physician of aneighbouring convent, who had a great reputation, was sent for againstmy wishes. When I heard of his arrival, I dressed to receive him for Iwas fearful of some scrutiny. He inquir
ed what ailed me: I answeredthat I had no pain, but that I was convinced I should soon depart. Hefelt my pulse, and, not being able to discover symptoms of disease, tookhis leave.

  To the elder sisters who visited me, I spoke in enigmas, and told themthat I had a summons, that they must expect soon to find me gone: andthe sanctity of my reputation made them receive my innuendoes asinspired remarks. One night, I complained of being much worse, andrequested their early retiring: they would have sent for the physician,but I forbad it, telling them I was beyond a physician's cure: kissingthem all, and pronouncing over them a solemn blessing, I dismissed them.As soon as it was dark, I threw off my nun's attire, leaving it in mybed, as if I had slipped out of it; and as the windows of my apartment,which looked into the convent garden, were not barred, unclothed as Iwas I dropped down, and reached the ground in safety. I took theprecaution, when I was outside, to shut the window, that my havingescaped should not enter their ideas, and climbing a tree which overhungthe wall of the garden, dropped from a bough on the other side, andfound myself at liberty. As I knew that the farther I was from thenunnery, the less chance I had of being supposed an impostor, I gainedthe high road, and ran as fast as I could in the direction fromMarseilles to Toulouse.

  I had proceeded several miles without encountering any body at thatstill hour of the night, occasionally alarmed at the barking of somesnarling cur, as I passed through the small villages in my route,--when,worn out with fatigue and cold, I sat down under a hedge to screenmyself from the cold "mistral" which blew. As the wind lulled, I heardsounds of voices in lamentation, which appeared to proceed from the roadat a short distance. I rose, and continued my route, when I stumbledover the body of a man. I examined him by the faint light that wasemitted from the stars. He was quite dead; and it immediately occurredto me that a robbery had been committed, and the lamentations which Ihad heard proceeded from those who had escaped with their lives. Thecloak of the dead man was lying underneath him; it was a capote, such asare worn by officers. I unclasped it from his neck, round which it wasfastened with two bear's-paws chased in silver, and, wrapping it roundmy benumbed limbs, proceeded further on to where I now occasionallyheard voices much plainer than before. I again fell in with two moreprostrate bodies, and, as the day had now begun to break, perceived thatthey were clothed like people of low condition. Passing my hand overtheir faces, I felt that they were quite dead and stiff. Afraid that iffound close to the spot, and unable to give any account of myself, Ishould be accused of murder, I thought of immediate flight; but theplaintive voice of a woman met my ears, and it was an appeal that Icould not resist. I proceeded a few yards further, and perceived acarriage, the horses of which lay dead in their traces, with the driverbeside them. To the hind wheels were secured with ropes an elderly manand a young woman.

  "God be praised, my dear father, help is at hand!" said the young woman,as I approached; and as I came close to them, she cried out, "Oh, I knowhim by his cloak; it's the gentleman who defended us so gallantly, andwhom we supposed to have been killed. Are you much hurt, sir?"

  Aware that I had better be any body than myself; with my usual inventionand presence of mind I replied, "Not much, madam, thanks be to Heaven!I was stunned, and they left me for dead: I am happy that I am stillalive, to be of service to you:" and I immediately proceeded to castloose the ropes by which the father and daughter (as by theirconversation they appeared to be) had been confined to the wheels. Therobbers had stripped them both nearly to the skin, and they were sonumbed with the cold that they could scarcely stand when they wereunbound,--the poor girl especially, who shivered as if suffering under atertian ague. I proposed that they should enter the carriage as thebest shelter they could receive from the bitter keen wind which blew,and they agreed to the prudence of my suggestion.

  "If I am not requesting too great a favour, sir," said the oldgentleman, "I wish you would lend my poor daughter that cloak, for sheis perishing with the cold."

  "I will with pleasure, sir, as soon as you are both in the carriage,"replied I; for I had made up my mind how to proceed. I assisted themin, and, shutting the door, slipped off the cloak and put it in at thewindow, saying, "Believe me, madam, I should have offered it to youbefore, but the fact is, the rascals served me, as I lay stunned, in thesame manner as they have you; and I must now go in search of somethingto cover myself." I then went off at a quick pace, hearing the youngwoman exclaim, "Oh, my father, he has stripped himself to cover me." Iimmediately returned to the body of the gentleman whose cloak I hadborrowed, and for whom I had no doubt that I had been mistaken. Istripped off all the clothes from his rigid limbs, and put them on: theyfitted me exactly, and, what was more fortunate, were not stained withblood, as he had received his death-wound from a bullet in the brain. Ithen dragged the body to the other side of the hedge, where I threw itinto a ditch, and covered it with long grass, that it might not bediscovered. Daylight had made its appearance before I had completed mytoilet; and when I came back to the carriage, the old gentleman was loudin his thanks. I told him that in returning to strip one of the otherbodies I had found my own clothes in a bundle, which the robbers hadleft in their haste to escape from pursuit.

  The young lady said nothing, but sat shrouded up in the cloak, in onecorner of the carriage. I now entered into conversation with the oldgentleman, who explained to me how the attack began, before I had cometo their assistance: and from the information I received from him, I wasenabled to form a very good idea of the story that I was to tell. Ifound that I had been on horseback with my servant, when I rode to theirassistance; that we had been both supposed to be killed, and that wewere about five miles from any post town.

  By this time it was broad daylight, and I made another discovery, whichwas, that I was wearing an officer's undress. Anxious to gratify mycuriosity by a sight of the young lady, I turned to her as she laymuffled up in the cloak, and expressed a hope that she did not feelcold. She put her head out, and answered in the negative with such asweet smile, upon such a sweet face as I never had before witnessed. Ilooked at her as if transfixed, and did not take my eyes off until sheblushed, and again sank back as before.

  This brought me to my recollection; I offered to go for assistance, andmy services were thankfully accepted. I passed by the men who had beenkilled, as I went on my mission: one was habited in a livery similar tothe coach-man who lay dead by his horses; the other was in that of agroom, and I took it for granted that he had been my servant. Isearched in his pockets for information; and, collecting the contents,commenced reading them as I walked along.

  By his memoranda I found out that I had come from Aix. By letters andpapers in my own pockets I ascertained who I was, who my father was, towhat regiment I belonged, that I was on leave of absence, and that I hada brother, whose affectionate letter I read carefully for furtherinformation. I had not time to count a considerable sum of money, whichwas in my purse, before I fell in with a countryman, who was leading hishorses to the plough. Briefly narrating the circumstances, I offeredhim a handsome remuneration, if he would mount one of his horses, andprocure immediate assistance. Having seen him off in a hand-gallop, Ireturned to the carriage to try if it were possible to have one moreview of that face which had so enchanted me. I stated the good fortuneI had met with, and my hopes of a speedy deliverance from their trouble.I answered the old gentleman's inquiry of the name and condition of theperson to whom he and his daughter had been so much indebted; talked ofmy father the Comte de Rouille, of my regiment; and then requested asimilar confidence.

  He was le Marquis de Tonseca, and the young lady was his daughter; theywere proceeding to their chateau about seven miles distant, where hehoped I would accompany them, and allow him an opportunity of showinghis gratitude.

  I hesitated, talked of engagements--not that I intended to refuse theinvitation, but because the young lady had not joined in the request.My plan had the desired effect; again the lovely face appeared fromunder the cloak, and the sweetest voic
e in the world expressed a wishthat I would not refuse her father's invitation. I blushed, andstammered consent. Pleased at her victory, she smiled, and again wasfolded up in the cloak, which I could have torn to pieces for itsenvious concealment.

  Assistance had now arrived; a crowd of people, headed by an officer totake the _proces verbal_, and two pair of post-horses came up; thedeposition of the marquis and myself were briefly taken; his, as to whathe had seen, and mine "to the best of my knowledge and belief." Thepapers were signed, the dead bodies were carried off, the horses put to;and, at the request of the marquis, I took my seat in the carriagebetween him and his daughter, and we proceeded to the chateau.

  In two hours we arrived at a magnificent pile, which bespoke the wealthand ancestry of the owner; and I had the pleasure of carrying in myarms, up the long flight of steps by which we ascended to the entrance,the beautiful girl, muffled up as she was in the cloak. As soon as Ihad laid her down upon a sofa, I left her to the care of the females whowere in attendance, and quitted the room. The marquis had retired tohis own apartment, to supply the deficiencies in his attire, and for ashort time I was left alone to my own reflections. What is to be theresult of all this? thought I. Is there to be no end of my assumptionof the clothes and titles of other people,--this continualtransmigration before death? Yet how much more has it depended uponcircumstances than upon myself!

  After much reflection, I determined upon letting things take their owncourse, trusting to my own ready invention and good fortune for theissue. I felt it to be impossible to tear myself from the sweetcreature whose personal charms had already fascinated me, and I vowedthat there was no risk, no danger, that I would not brave to obtain herlove.

  In an hour we met at the breakfast-table, and I was more than everenchanted;--but I will not detain your highness by dwelling too longupon the subject.


  "No, don't, yaha bibi, my friend," said the pacha, yawning, "your storygets very dry already. We'll suppose the cypress waist, the stag'seyes, and full moon of her face. We Musselmen don't talk so much aboutwomen; but I suppose as you were a Frenchman, and very young then, youknew no better. Why you talk of women as if they had souls!" Therenegade did not think it advisable to express his opinion incontradiction to that of his highness, and the assertions of theProphet. "It cannot be said that I behaved to them as if they had,"replied he; "and before I changed my religion, I was often smitten withremorse for my selfish and unfeeling conduct towards Marie; but all thatis passed, I am now a Turk;" and the renegade passed his hand over hisbrow; for some long, smothered feelings of virtue had been conjured upby remorse, as he was reminded of the career of guilt which he had runthrough, and which he had climaxed by the denial of his Redeemer. Aftera short pause he continued--


  For a week I remained in the society of the marquis and his daughter,daily ingratiating myself more and more with both. I had not declaredmy passion to his daughter, for there was something that irresistiblyprevented me; yet I knew that I was not viewed with indifference. Ourparty was then increased by the appearance of the Bishop of Toulouse,the brother of the marquis, who came to congratulate him and his nieceupon their fortunate escape. I was presented as the gentleman who hadso materially assisted. The bishop stared at me with surprise.

  "It is strange," observed he, "that a body has been found in a ditch,near to where the robbery occurred, and has been recognised to be thatof the very young officer to whom you now introduce me. How can thisbe?"

  The marquis and his daughter appeared astonished at the intelligence(and in truth so was I), but it was only for a second. "How say you,sir," exclaimed I, with trepidation, "a body recognised as the son ofthe Comte de Rouille? My poor, poor brother! my dear Victor have youthen perished? what injustice have I done you!"

  Throwing myself on the fauteuil, I covered my face with my handkerchief,as if overpowered with grief; but, in reality, I was reflecting what Ishould say next.

  "Your brother!" exclaimed the marquis in surprise.

  "Yes, marquis, my brother. I will now state the circumstances whichinduced me to conceal from you that he was in my company at the time ofthe attack. When I galloped to your assistance, I was followed by mybrother, who was riding with me to Marseilles, and of whom you recollectI have spoken; but after the first discharge of fire-arms I found thathe was not at my side, and I imagined that he had deserted me from fear.I could not bear that such a disgrace upon the family should be known,and I therefore made no mention of him when I came back. Little did Ithink, that while I was accusing him in my heart of cowardice, he wasdead, and his heart's blood had been poured out in my defence. Victor,my dear Victor!" continued I, "how great has been my injustice, and whatcan repay me for your loss?" and I threw myself down on the sofa, as iffrantic with grief.


  "Huckaback," observed the pacha, "it appears to me that in your youngerdays you were a great scoundrel."

  "I acknowledge it," replied the renegade; "but, in extenuation, yourhighness must call to mind that at that time I was a Christian."

  "By the beard of the Prophet, that is well said, and very true!" repliedthe pacha.


  The marquis and his brother were shocked at having so unintentionallyplunged me into affliction. They offered consolation; but finding theirendeavours fruitless, quitted the room, thinking it advisable to leaveme to myself. Cerise, for that was the name of the daughter, remained,and after a short pause came to me, and in her silvery voice, as shelaid her hand upon my shoulder, addressed me:--

  "Console yourself, my dear Felix;" but I made no answer. "How unhappy Iam!" said she: "it was in my defence that he lost his life: it was toyour courage that I am indebted for my preservation:--he is dead, andyou are miserable. Can nothing repay you for the loss of yourbrother?--Nothing, Felix?"

  I raised my head; her eyes were swimming with tears, and beaming withlove. As I resumed my seat upon the sofa, I drew her gently towards me.She offered no resistance, and in a moment she had sunk down by myside, as my arms entwined her beauteous form.

  "Yes," murmured I, "Cerise, I am repaid." Smiling through her blushes,she disengaged herself, and rose to depart. Returning once more at myrequest, I imprinted a kiss upon her brow: she waved her hand, andhastened out of the room.


  "That was a very nice girl, by your description," interrupted the pacha:"pray what might you pay for such a girl in your country?"

  "She was beyond all price," replied the renegade, with an absent air, asif communing with times past. "Love is not to be bought. The Moslempurchases the slave and blind submission to his will, but he makes notlove."

  "No, he buys it ready made," replied the pacha; "and I must say I wishyou had done the same; for, with all this love-making, you get on butslowly with your story. Proceed."


  I remained another week, when the bishop, who had not yet taken hisdeparture, one morning drove over to Marseilles, and returned to dinner."I was sent for," observed he, as we sat down to table, "to consult asto the propriety of requesting from the Pope the canonisation of theSoeur Eustasie, of whom you have heard so much, and whose disappearancehas been attributed to miraculous agency: but during our consultation, apiece of information was sent in, which has very much changed theopinion of parties as to her reputed sanctity. It appears that near thespot where the vessel was wrecked they have discovered the body of awoman dressed in man's clothes; and it is now supposed that somemiscreant has personified her at the convent, and has subsequentlyescaped. The officers of justice are making the strictest search; andif the indiv
idual is found, he will be sent to Rome to be disposed of bythe Inquisition."

  As your highness may imagine, this was not very agreeable news: I almoststarted from my chair when I heard it; but I had sufficient mastery overmyself to conceal my feelings, although every morsel that I put into mymouth nearly choked me.

  But before dinner was over the plot thickened; a letter was brought tothe marquis from my adopted father, the Comte de Rouille, stating thatsuch contradictory reports had been received, that he could notascertain the truth. From one he heard that his eldest son was alive,and at the chateau; from others that he had been murdered; otherscongratulated him in their letters upon the escape of one of his sons.He requested the marquis to inform him of the real state of affairs, andto let him know by the bearer whether his eldest son was with him, orwhether he had met with the unfortunate death that was reported; and ashis youngest son was at home, and had been there for some months, hecould not but imagine, as both of them were mentioned in the reports,that there might be some imposture in the business.

  I perceived by the change of countenance in the marquis that affairswere not going well, and was to a certain degree prepared, when hegravely handed the letter to the bishop; who; having read it, passed itover to me, saying, with a stern look, "This concerns you, sir." I readit with a composed countenance, and, returning it to the marquis, Iobserved with a sigh, "There is no kindness in such deception; the blowwill only fall heavier upon the old man when it does come. You areaware, sir, I mentioned, it to you (or rather, I believe, it was toMademoiselle Cerise), that my father is blind, and has been so for thelast two years. They have been afraid to tell him the truth, and havemade him believe that Victor is there. You must know, sir, that it wasclandestinely that my dear brother quitted his father's house toaccompany me. Unhappy hour when I yielded to his intreaties! But,monsieur le marquis, I perceive that it is now imperative that I shouldgo to my father; he will need the assurance of my existence to supporthim in his grief. I will therefore, with your permission, write a fewlines by the bearer of this communication, and to-morrow morning atdaylight must unwillingly tear myself away from your charming society."

  The cool and confident air with which I answered, removed suspicion; andhaving written a few lines to the comte, and requested from the marquisthe loan of his seal, I applied the wax, and desired the servant todeliver it as an answer to the messenger, whom I was not sorry to seegalloping by the window. "Oh," cried I, "'tis Pierre: had I known that,I should have asked him some questions."

  This well-timed exclamation of mine, I perceived, did not fail to haveits weight. We again sat down to table, and I was treated with morethan usual kindness by the marquis and his brother, as if incompensation for their having, for a moment, harboured a suspicion of myhonesty. But I was ill at ease; and I felt that I never had acted withmore prudence than in proposing my early departure.

  In the evening I was alone with Cerise. Since the news of my brother'sdeath, and the scene that followed, we had sworn unalterable love; andin that instance only was I sincere. I loved her to desperation, and Idote on her memory now, though years have rolled away, and she has longbeen mingled with the dead. Yes, Cerise, if from the regions of bliss,where thy pure spirit dwells, thou canst look down upon a wretch soloaded with guilt as I am, oh, turn not away with horror, but view withpity one who loved as fondly as man could love, and hereafter will carelittle for all that Paradise can offer if thy fair spirit must not bidhim welcome!


  "I wish, Huckaback," observed the pacha, angrily, "that you would go onwith your story: you are talking to a dead woman, instead of a livepacha."

  "I intreat your pardon," replied the renegade; "but to amuse yourhighness, I have entered into scenes which long have been dismissed frommy memory and the feelings attending them will rise up, and cannot wellbe checked. I will be more careful as I proceed."


  Cerise was melancholy at the idea of my departure. I kissed the tearsaway, and the time flew rapidly. I persuaded her to allow me aninterview after the family had retired, as I had much to say to her.


  "Well, well, we'll suppose all that," observed the pacha, impatiently:"now go on; you remember you were to set off in the morning."

  "Yes, yes, your highness," replied the renegade, somewhat displeased.


  And I did set off in the morning upon one of the marquis's horses, androde as hard as I could to Toulon. I determined again to try my fortuneat sea, as I was afraid that I should be discovered if I remained onshore. I purchased a small venture with the money in my purse, andhaving made my agreement with the captain of a vessel bound to St.Domingo, exchanged my dress for a jacket and trousers; and was again atthe mercy of the waves.


  "Such, your highness, is the history of my First Voyage, and theincidents which resulted from it."

  "Well," said the pacha, rising, "there was too much love, and too littlesea in it; but, I suppose, if you had left the first out it would nothave been so long. Mustapha, give him five pieces of gold, and we willhave his Second Voyage to-morrow."

  As soon as the pacha had retired, the renegade growled out, "If I am totell any more stories, I must not be checked and dictated to. I couldhave talked for an hour after I had met Cerise, if I had not beeninterrupted: as it was I cut the matter short."

  "But, Selim," replied Mustapha, "the pacha is not fond of these sort ofadventures: he likes something much more marvellous. Could you notembellish a little?"

  "How do you mean?"

  "Holy Prophet! what do I mean!--Why, tell a few lies,--not adhere quiteso much to matter of fact."

  "Adhere to matter of fact, vizier!--why, I have not stated a single factyet!"

  "What! is not all this true?"

  "Not one word of it, as I hope to go to Heaven!"

  "Bismillah!--what not about Marie and the convent--and Cerise?"

  "All lies from beginning to end."

  "And were you never a barber?"

  "Never in my life."

  "Then why did you make such long apostrophes to the dead Cerise, whenyou observed that the pacha was impatient?"

  "Merely because I was at fault, vizier, and wished to gain time, toconsider what I should say next."

  "Selim," replied Mustapha, "you have great talent; but mind that yournext voyage is more wonderful; I presume it will make no difference toyou."

  "None whatever; but the pacha is not a man of taste. Now give me myfive pieces, and I'll be off: I'm choked with thirst, and shall not becomfortable till I have drunk at least a gallon of wine."

  "Holy Prophet! what a Turk!" exclaimed the vizier; lifting up his hands."Here is your money, kafir;--don't forget to be here to-morrow."

  "Never fear me, vizier; your slave lives but to obey you, we Turks say."

  "We Turks!" muttered the vizier, as he cast his eyes upon the retiringfigure of the renegade. "Well of all the scoundrels--"

  "Well," muttered the renegade, who was now out of hearing, "of all thescoundrels--"

  Whom they were referring to in their separate soliloquies must be leftto the reader's imagination; for caution prevented either of the partiesfrom giving vent to the remainder of their thoughts.