Jacob Faithful Read online

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  "Jacob, this is Marables, who has charge of the Polly barge," said MrDrummond, who had sent for me into his office, a few days after myarrival at his house. "Marables," continued my protector, addressingthe man, "I have told you that this lad is bound 'prentice to the Polly;I expect you will look after him, and treat him kindly. No blows or illtreatment. If he does not conduct himself well (but well I'm sure hewill), let me know when you come back from your trip."

  During this speech I was scrutinising the outward man of my futurecontroller. He was stout and well-built, inclining to corpulence, hisfeatures remarkably good, although his eyes were not large. His mouthwas very small, and there was a good-natured smile on his lips as heanswered, "I never treated a cat ill, master."

  "I believe not," replied Mr Drummond; "but I am anxious that Jacobshould do well in the world, and therefore let you know that he willalways have my protection, so long as he conducts himself properly."

  "We shall be very good friends, sir, I'll answer for it, if I may judgefrom the cut of his jib," replied Marables, extending to me an immensehand, as broad as it was long.

  After this introduction, Mr Drummond gave him some directions, and leftus together.

  "Come and see the craft, boy," said Marables and I followed him to thebarge, which was one of those fitted with a mast which lowered down andhauled up again, as required. She plied up and down the river as far asthe Nore, sometimes extending her voyage still farther: but that wasonly in the summer months. She had a large cabin abaft, and a cuddyforward. The cabin was locked, and I could not examine it.

  "This will be your berth," said Marables, pointing to the cuddy-hatchforward; "you will have it all to yourself. The other man and I sleepabaft."

  "Have you another man, then?"

  "Yes, I have, Jacob," replied he; and then muttering to himself, "I wishI had not--I wish the barge was only between us, Jacob, or that you hadnot been sent on board," continued he, gravely. "It would have beenbetter--much better." And he walked aft, whistling in a low tone,looking down sadly on the deck.

  "Is your cabin large?" inquired I, as he came forward.

  "Yes, large enough; but I cannot show it to you now--he has the key."

  "What, the other man under you?"

  "Yes," replied Marables, hastily. "I've been thinking, Jacob, that youmay as well remain on shore till we start. You can be of no use here."

  To this I had no objection; but I often went on board during thefortnight that the barge remained, and soon became very partial toMarables. There was a kindness about him that won me, and I wasdistressed to perceive that he was often very melancholy. Whatsurprised me most was to find that during the first week the cabin wasconstantly locked, and that Marables had not the key; it appeared sostrange that he, as master of the barge, should be locked out of his owncabin by his inferior.

  One day I went early on board, and found not only the cabin doors open,but the other man belonging to her walking up and down the deck withMarables. He was a well-looking, tall, active young man, apparently notthirty, with a general boldness of countenance strongly contrasted witha furtive glance of the eye. He had a sort of blue smock-frockover-all, and the trousers which appeared below were of a finer texturethan those usually worn by people of his condition.

  "This is the lad who is bound to the barge," said Marables. "Jacob,this is Fleming."

  "So, younker," said Fleming, after casting an inquiring eye upon me,"you are to sail with us, are you? It's my opinion that your room wouldbe better than your company. However, if you keep your eyes open, I'dadvise you to keep your mouth shut. When I don't like people's company,I sometimes give them a hoist into the stream--so keep a sharp look out,my joker."

  Not very well pleased with this address, I answered, "I thought Marableshad charge of the craft, and that I was to look to him for orders."

  "Did you, indeed!" replied Fleming, with a sneer. "I say, my lad, canyou swim?"

  "No, I can't," replied I--"I wish I could."

  "Well, then, take my advice--learn to swim as fast as you can for I havea strong notion that one day or other I shall take you by the scruff ofthe neck, and send you to look after your father."

  "Fleming! Fleming! pray be quiet!" said Marables, who had several timespulled him by the sleeve. "He's only joking, Jacob," continued Marablesto me, as, indignant at the mention of my father's death, I was walkingaway to the shore, over the other lighters.

  "Well," replied I, turning round, "if I am to be tossed overboard, it'sjust as well to let Mr Drummond know, that if I'm missing he may guesswhat's become of me."

  "Pooh! nonsense!" said Fleming, immediately altering his manner, andcoming to me where I stood in the barge next to them. "Give us yourhand, my boy; I was only trying what stuff you were made of. Come,shake hands; I wasn't in earnest."

  I took the proffered hand, and went on shore. "Nevertheless," thoughtI, "I'll learn to swim; for I rather think he was in earnest." And Itook my first lesson that day; and by dint of practice soon acquiredthat very necessary art. Had it not been for the threat of Fleming, Iprobably should not have thought of it; but it occurred to me that Imight tumble, even if I were not thrown overboard, and that a knowledgeof swimming would do no harm.

  The day before the barge was to proceed down the river to Sheerness,with a cargo of bricks, I called upon my worthy old master, DominieDobiensis.

  "_Salve puer_!" cried the old man, who was sitting in his study."Verily, Jacob, thou art come in good time. I am at leisure, and willgive thee a lesson. Sit down, my child."

  The Dominie opened the Aeneid of Virgil, and commenced forthwith. I wasfortunate enough to please him with my off-hand translation; and as heclosed the book, I told him that I had called to bid him farewell, as westarted at daylight the next morning.

  "Jacob," said he, "thou hast profited well by the lessons which I havebestowed upon thee: now take heed of that advice which I am now about tooffer to thee. There are many who will tell thee that thy knowledge isof no use, for what avail can the Latin tongue be to a boy on board of alighter. Others may think that I have done wrong thus to instruct thee,as thy knowledge may render thee vain--_nil exactius eruditiusque est_--or discontented with thy situation in life. Such is too often the case,I grant; but it is because education is not as general as it ought tobe. Were all educated, the superiority acquired or presumed upon byeducation would be lost, and the nation would not only be wiser buthappier. It would judge more rightly, would not condemn the measures ofits rulers, which at present it cannot understand, and would not be ledaway by the clamour and misrepresentation of the disaffected. But Imust not digress, as time is short. Jacob, I feel that thou wilt not bespoilt by the knowledge instilled into thee; but mark me, parade it not,for it will be vanity, and make thee enemies. Cultivate thyself as muchas thou canst, but in due season--thy duties to thy employer must befirst attended to--but treasure up what thou hast, and lay up more whenthou canst. Consider it as hidden wealth, which may hereafter beadvantageously employed. Thou art now but an apprentice in a barge; butwhat mayest thou not be, Jacob, if thou art diligent--if thou fear God,and be honest? I will now call to my mind some examples to stimulatethee in thy career."

  Here the Dominie brought forward about forty or fifty instances fromhistory, in which people from nothing had risen to the highest rank andconsideration; but although I listened to them very attentively, thereader will probably not regret the omission of the Dominie's catalogue.Having concluded, the Dominie gave me a Latin Testament, the Whole Dutyof Man, and his blessing. The matron added to them a large slice ofseed-cake and by the time that I had returned to Mr Drummond's, boththe Dominie's precepts and the matron's considerate addition had beenwell digested.

  It was six o'clock the next morning that we cast o
ff our fastenings andpulled into the stream. The day was lovely, the sun had risen above thetrees, which feathered their boughs down on the sloping lawns in frontof the many beautiful retreats of the nobility and gentry which borderthe river; and the lamp of day poured a flood of light upon the smoothand rapidly ebbing river. The heavy dew which had fallen during thenight studded the sides of the barge, and glittered like necklaces ofdiamonds; the mist and the fog had ascended, except here and there,where it partially concealed the landscape; boats laden with the produceof the market-gardens in the vicinity were hastening down with the tideto supply the metropolis; the watermen were in their wherries, cleaningand mopping them out, ready for their fares; the smoke of the chimneysascended in a straight line to heaven; and the distant chirping of thebirds in the trees added to the hilarity and lightness of heart withwhich I now commenced my career as an apprentice.

  I was forward, looking down the river, when Marables called me to takethe helm, while they went to breakfast. He commenced giving meinstructions; but I cut them short by proving to him that I knew theriver as well as he did. Pleased at the information, he joined Fleming,who was preparing the breakfast in the cabin, and I was left on the deckby myself. There, as we glided by every object which for years I hadnot seen, but which was immediately recognised and welcomed as an oldfriend, with what rapidity did former scenes connected with them flashinto my memory! There was the inn at the water-side, where my fatherused to replenish the stone bottle; it was just where the barge now wasthat I had hooked and pulled up the largest chub I had ever caught. NowI arrived at the spot where we had ran foul of another craft; and myfather, with his pipe in his mouth and his "Take it coolly," which soexasperated the other parties, stood as alive before me. Here--yes, itwas here--exactly here--where we anchored on that fatal night when I wasleft an orphan--it was here that my father disappeared; and as I lookeddown at the water, I almost thought I could perceive it again close overhim, as it eddied by: and it was here that the black smoke--The wholescene came fresh to my memory, my eyes filled with tears, and, for alittle while, I could not see to steer. But I soon recovered myself;the freshness of the air, the bright sky overhead, the busy scene beforeme, and the necessity of attending to my duty, chased away my painfulremembrances; and when I had passed the spot I was again cheerful andcontent.

  In half-an-hour I had shot Putney Bridge, and was sweeping clear of theshallows on the reach below, when Marables and Fleming came up. "How!"exclaimed Marables; "have we passed the bridge? Why did you not callus?"

  "I have shot it without help many and many a time," replied I, "when Iwas but ten years old. Why should I call you from your breakfast? Butthe tides are high now, and the stream rapid; you had better get a sweepout on the bow, or we may tail on the bank."

  "Well!" replied Fleming, with astonishment; "I had no idea that he wouldhave been any help to us; but so much the better." He then spoke in alow tone to Marables.

  Marables shook his head. "Don't try it Fleming, it will never do."

  "So you said once about yourself," replied Fleming, laughing.

  "I did--I did!" replied Marables, clenching both his hands, which at thetime were crossed on his breast, with a look of painful emotion; "but Isay again, don't try it; nay, I say more, you _shall_ not."

  "Shall not?" replied Fleming, haughtily.

  "Yes," replied Marables, coolly; "I say shall not, and I'll stand by mywords. Now, Jacob, give me the helm, and get your breakfast."

  I gave up the helm to Marables, and was about to enter the cabin, whenFleming caught me by the arm, and _slewed_ me round. "I say, my joker,we may just as well begin as we leave off. Understand me, that intothat cabin you never enter; and understand further, that if ever I findyou in that cabin, by day or night, I'll break every bone in your body.Your berth is forward; and as for your meals, you may either take themdown there or you may eat them on deck."

  From what I had already witnessed, I knew that for some reason or other,Fleming had the control over Marables; nevertheless I replied, "If MrMarables says it is to be so, well and good; but he has charge of thisbarge." Marables made no reply; he coloured up, seemed very muchannoyed, and then looked up to the sky.

  "You'll find," continued Fleming, addressing me in a low voice, "that Icommand here--so be wise. Perhaps the day may come when you may walk inand out the cabin as you please, but that depends upon yourself.By-and-by, when we know more of each other--"

  "Never, Fleming, never!" interrupted Marables, in a firm and loud tone."It _shall_ not be."

  Fleming muttered what I could not hear, and going into the cabin,brought me out my breakfast which I despatched with good appetite; andsoon afterwards I offered to take the helm; which offer was accepted byMarables, who retired to the cabin with Fleming, where I heard themconverse for a long while in a low tone.

  The tide was about three-quarters ebb when the barge arrived abreast ofMillbank. Marables came on deck, and taking the helm, desired me to goforward and see the anchor clear for letting go.

  "Anchor clear!" said I. "Why, we have a good hour more before we meetthe flood."

  "I know that, Jacob, as well as you do; but we shall not go fartherto-night. Be smart, and see all clear."

  Whether Fleming thought that it was necessary to blind me, or whether itwas true that they were only obeying their orders, he said to Marablesin my hearing, "Will you go on shore and give the letters to MrDrummond's correspondent, or shall I go for you?"

  "You had better go," replied Marables, carelessly; and shortly afterthey went to dinner in the cabin, Fleming bringing me mine out on deck.

  The flood tide now made, and we rode to the stream. Having nothing todo, and Marables as well as Fleming appearing to avoid me, I brought theDominie's Latin Testament, and amused myself with reading it. About aquarter of an hour before dusk, Fleming made his appearance to go onshore. He was genteelly, I may say fashionably, dressed in a suit ofblack, with a white neckcloth. At first I did not recognise him, sosurprised was I at his alteration; and my thoughts, as soon as mysurprise was over, naturally turned upon the singularity of a man whoworked in a barge under another now assuming the dress and appearance ofa gentleman. Marables hauled up the little skiff which lay astern.Fleming jumped in and shoved off. I watched him till I perceived himland at the stairs, and then turned round to Marables: "I can'tunderstand all this," observed I.

  "I don't suppose you can," replied Marables: "but still I could explainit if you will promise me faithfully not to say a word about it."

  "I will make that promise if you satisfy me that all is right," answeredI.

  "As to all being right, Jacob, that's as may be; but if I prove to youthat there is no harm done to our master, I suppose you will keep thesecret. However, I must not allow you to think worse of it than itreally is; no, I'll trust to your good nature. You wouldn't harm me,Jacob?" Marables then told me that Fleming had once been well-to-do inthe world, and during the long illness and subsequent death of Marables'wife, had lent him money; that Fleming had been very imprudent, and hadrun up a great many debts, and that the bailiffs were after him. Onthis emergency he had applied to Marables to help him, and that, inconsequence, he had received him on board of the barge, where they neverwould think of looking for him; that Fleming had friends, and contrivedto go on shore at night to see them, and get what assistance he couldfrom them in money: in the meantime his relations were trying what theycould do to arrange with his creditors. "Now," said Marables, afterthis narration, "how could I help assisting one who has been so kind tome? And what harm does it do Mr Drummond? If Fleming can't do hiswork, or won't, when we unload, he pays another man himself; so MrDrummond is not hurt by it."

  "That may be all true," replied I; "but I cannot imagine why I am not toenter the cabin, and why he orders about here as master."

  "Why, you see, Jacob, I owe him money, and he allows me so much per weekfor the cabin, by which means I pay it off. Do you understand now?"

  "Yes, I
understand what you have said," replied I.

  "Well, then, Jacob, I hope you'll say nothing about it. It would onlyharm me, and do no good."

  "That depends upon Fleming's behaviour towards me," replied I. "I willnot be bullied and made uncomfortable by him, depend upon it; he has nobusiness on board the barge, that's clear, and I am bound 'prentice toher. I don't wish to hurt you; and as I suppose Fleming won't be longon board, I shall say nothing unless he treats me ill."

  Marables then left me, and I reflected upon what he had said. Itappeared all very probable; but still I was not satisfied. I resolvedto watch narrowly, and if anything occurred which excited moresuspicions, to inform Mr Drummond upon our return. Shortly afterwardsMarables came out again, and told me I might go to bed, and he wouldkeep the deck till Fleming's return. I assented, and went down to thecuddy; but I did not much like this permission. It appeared to me as ifhe wanted to get rid of me, and I laid awake, turning over in my mindall that I had heard and seen. About two o'clock in the morning I heardthe sound of oars, and the skiff strike the side of the barge. I didnot go up, but I put my head up the scuttle to see what was going on.It was broad moonlight, and almost as clear as day. Fleming threw upthe painter of the skiff to Marables, and, as he held it, lifted out ofthe boat a blue bag, apparently well filled. The contents jingled as itwas landed on the deck. He then put out a yellow silk handkerchief fullof something else, and having gained the deck, Marables walked aft withthe painter in his hand until the skiff had dropped astern, where hemade it fast, and returned to Fleming, who stood close to the blue bag.I heard Fleming ask Marables, in a low voice, if I were in bed, and ananswer given in the affirmative. I dropped my head immediately, that Imight not be discovered, and turned into my bed-place. I was restlessfor a long while; thought upon thought, surmise upon surmise, conjectureupon conjecture, and doubt upon doubt, occupied my brain, until at lastI went fast asleep--so fast, that I did not wake until summoned byFleming. I rose, and when I came on deck found that the anchor had beenweighed more than two hours, and that we were past all the bridges."Why, Jacob, my man, you've had a famous nap," said Fleming, withapparent good humour; "now go aft, and get your breakfast, it has beenwaiting for you this half-hour." By the manner of Fleming I took it forgranted that Marables had acquainted him with our conversation, and,indeed, from that time, during our whole trip, Fleming treated me withkindness and familiarity. The veto had not, however, been taken off thecabin, which I never attempted to enter.