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  On our arrival, Captain Levee and I, as soon as we had got rid of thedust of travel, called upon the owner, who informed us that all thealterations in Captain Levee's vessel, which was a large lugger offourteen guns and a hundred and twenty men, were complete, and that myvessel was also ready for me, and manned; but that I had better go onboard and see if anything else was required, or if there was anyalteration that I would propose. Captain Levee and I immediately wentdown to the wharf, alongside of which my vessel lay, that we mightexamine her now that she was fitted out as a vessel of war.

  She had been a schooner in the Spanish trade, and had been captured byCaptain Levee, who had taken her out from under a battery as she lay atanchor, having just made her port from a voyage from South America,being at that time laden with copper and cochineal,--a most valuableprize she had proved,--and as she was found to be a surprising fastsailer, the owner had resolved to fit her out as a privateer.

  She was not a large vessel, being of about a hundred and sixty tons, butshe was very beautifully built. She was now armed with eight brassguns, of a calibre of six pounds each, four howitzers aft, and twocohorns on the taffrail.

  "You have a very sweet little craft here, Elrington," said CaptainLevee, after he had walked all over her, and examined her below andaloft. "She will sail better than before, I should think, for she thenhad a very full cargo, and now her top hamper is a mere nothing. Didthe owner say how many men you had?"

  "Fifty-four is, I believe, to be our full complement," I replied, "and Ishould think quite enough."

  "Yes, if they are good men and true. You may do a great deal with thisvessel, for you see she draws so little water, that you may run in whereI dare not venture. Come, we will now return to our lodgings, pack up,and each go on board of our vessels. We have had play enough, now towork again, and in good earnest."

  "I was about to propose it myself;" I replied, "for with a new vessel,officers and men not known to me, the sooner I am on board and with themthe better. It will take some time to get everything and everybody intheir places."

  "Spoken like a man who understands his business," replied Captain Levee."I wonder whether we shall be sent out together?"

  "I can only say that I hope so," I replied, "as I should profit much byyour experience, and hope to prove to you that, if necessary, I shallnot be a bad second."

  And as I made this reply, we arrived at the house where we had lodged.

  Captain Levee was a man who, when once he had decided, was as rapid aslightning in execution. He sent for a dealer in horses, concluded abargain with him in five minutes, paid his lodgings and all demands uponhim, and before noon we were both on board of our respective vessels.But, previous to the seamen coming up for our boxes, I observed to him,"I should wish, Levee, that you would let me know, if it is only at arough guess, what sum I may be indebted to you; as I may be fortunate,and if so, it will be but fair to repay you the money, although yourkindness I cannot so easily return."

  "I'll tell you exactly," said Levee. "If I take no prizes this cruise,and you do make money, why then we will, on our return, have anotherfrolic somewhere, and you shall stand treat. That will make us allsquare, if I am not fortunate; but if I am, I consider your pleasantcompany to have more than repaid me for any little expense I may haveincurred."

  "You are very kind to say that," I replied; "but I hope you will befortunate, and not have to depend upon me."

  "I hope so too," he replied, laughing. "If we come back safe and sound,we will take a trip to Bath--I am anxious to see the place."

  I mention this conversation, Madam, that I may make you acquainted withthe character of Captain Levee, and prove to you how worthy a man I hadas a companion.

  It required about ten days to complete my little schooner witheverything that I considered requisite, and the politeness of the ownerwas extremely gratifying. We were, however, but just complete, when theowner sent for me in a great hurry, and having taken me into a back roomnext to the counting-house, he locked the door, and said--

  "Captain Elrington, I have been offered a large sum to do a service tosome unfortunate people; but it is an affair which, for our own sakes,will demand the utmost secrecy: indeed, you will risk more than I shall;but at the same time I trust you will not refuse to perform the service,as I shall lose a considerable advantage. If you will undertake it, Ishall not be ungrateful."

  I replied that I was bound to him by many acts of kindness, and that hemight confide in my gratitude.

  "Well, then," he replied, lowering his voice, "the fact is this; four ofthe Jacobite party, who are hotly pursued, and for whose heads a largereward is offered, have contrived to escape to this port, and are hereconcealed by their friends, who have applied to me to land them at someport in France."

  "I understand," I replied; "I will cheerfully execute the commission."

  "I thank you, Captain Elrington; I expected no other answer from you. Iwould not put them on board Captain Levee's vessel for many reasons;but, at the same time, he knows that he is to sail to-morrow, and heshall wait for you and keep company with you till you have landed them;after which you may concert your own measures with him, and decidewhether you cruise together or separate."

  "Captain Levee will of course know that I have them on board?"

  "Certainly; but it is to conceal these people from others in his ship,and not from him, that they are put on board of your vessel. At thesame time, I confess I have my private reasons as well, which I do notwish to make known. You can sail to-morrow?"

  "I can sail to-night, if you wish," I replied.

  "No; to-morrow night will be the time that I have fixed."

  "At what time will they come on board?"

  "I cannot reply to that till to-morrow. The fact is, that thegovernment people are on a hot scent; and there is a vessel of war inthe offing, I am told, ready to board anything and everything whichcomes out. Captain Levee will sail to-morrow morning, and will in allprobability be examined by the government vessel, which is, Iunderstand, a most rapid sailer."

  "Will he submit to it?"

  "Yes, he must; and I have given him positive orders not to make theleast attempt to evade her or prevent a search. He will then run toHolyhead, and lay-to there for you to join him, and you will proceedtogether to the port which the people taken on board shall direct, forthat is a part of the agreement they have made with me."

  "Then of course I am to evade the king's vessel?"

  "Certainly; and I have no doubt but that you will be able so to do.Your vessel is so fleet, that there will be little difficulty: at allevents, you will do your best: but recollect, that although you mustmake every attempt to escape, you must not make any attempt atresistance--indeed, that would be useless against a vessel of suchforce. Should you be in a position which might enable them to boardyou, you must find some safe hiding-place for your passengers; for Ihardly need say, that if taken with them on board, the vessel will beconfiscated, and you will run some danger of your life. I have nothingmore to say to you just now, except that you may give out that CaptainLevee sails to-morrow, and that you are to follow him in ten days. Yourpowder is on board?"

  "Yes; I got it on board as soon as we hauled out in the stream."

  "Well, then, you will call here to-morrow morning about eleven o'clock,not before, and (I hardly need repeat it), but I again say--secrecy,--asyou value your life."

  As soon as I had left the owner, I went down to the wharf, stepped intothe boat, and went on board Captain Levee's vessel, which, I haveomitted to state, was named the Arrow. I found him on board, and verybusy getting ready for sea.

"So you are off to-morrow, Levee?" said I, before all the people on thedeck.

  "Yes," he replied.

  "I wish I was, too; but I am to remain ten days longer, I find."

  "I was in hopes we should have cruised together," replied Captain Levee;"but we must do as our owner wishes. What detains you?--I thought youwere ready."

  "I thought so too," I replied; "but we find that the head of themainmast is sprung, and we must have a new one. I have just come fromthe owner's, and must set to work at once, and get ready for shiftingour mast. So, fare you well, if I do not see you before you sail."

  "I am to see the owner to-night," replied Levee. "Shall we not meetthen, and take a parting glass?"

  "I fear not, but I will come if I can," I replied; "if not, success tothe Arrow!"

  "And success to the Sparrow-Hawk!" replied Levee, "and God bless you, mygood fellow."

  I shook hands with my kind friend, and went over the side of the luggerinto my boat, and then pulled for my own vessel. As soon as I got onboard, I sent for officers and men, and said to them--

  "We are to shift our mainmast for one that is three feet longer, andmust work hard, that we may be able to sail as soon as possible. Icannot allow any of you to go on shore till the work is finished; whenit is done, you will have leave as before till we sail."

  That afternoon I sent down the topsail-yard and topmast, unbent themainsail, main-topsail, and gaff--sent down the topmast andrunning-rigging on deck--cast loose the lanyards of the lower rigging,and quite dismantled the mainmast, so as to make it appear as if we wereabout to haul to the wharf and take it out. The men all remained onboard, expecting that we should shift our berth the next day.

  On the following morning I laid out a warp to the wharf; as if intendingto haul in; and at the time appointed, I went on shore to the owner, andtold him what I had done.

  "But," he said, "I find that you will have to sail this night as soon asit is dark. How will you get ready?"

  I replied that at nightfall I would immediately replace everything, andin an hour would be ready for sea.

  "If such be the case, you have done well, Mr Elrington, and I thank youfor your zeal on my behalf, which I shall not forget. Everything hasbeen arranged, and you must come up here with some of your seamen assoon as you are ready to sail. Your men, or rather four of them, mustremain in the house. The four gentlemen who are to be embarked will bedressed in seamen's attire, and will carry down their boxes and trunksas if they were your men taking your things on board. You will thenremain a little distance from the wharf in the boat till your own mencome down, and if there is no discovery you will take them on board withyou; if, on the contrary, there is any suspicion, and the officers ofthe government are on the watch, and stop your men, you will then pushoff with the passengers, slip your cable if it is necessary, and makeall sail for Holyhead, where you will fall in with the Arrow, which willbe waiting there for you. Is the Arrow still in sight?"

  "No," I replied; "she was out of sight more than an hour ago, and fromour masthead we could see the topgallant sails of the vessel of warbearing N.N.W."

  "Keep a look-out upon her, and see how she bears at dark," replied theowner, "for you must not fall in with her if possible. I think you hadbetter return on board now, that you may keep your people quiet."

  When I arrived on board the schooner, I told my officers that I did notthink that we should shift the mast as proposed, and that everythingmust be got ready for refitting. I did not choose to say more, but Iadded that I was to go on shore in the evening to smoke a pipe with theowner, and then I should know for certain. I employed the men duringthe whole of the day in doing everything in preparation which could bedone without exciting suspicion; and as soon as it was dark I called themen aft, and told them that I thought it was very likely, from the Arrownot having made her appearance, that we might be sent to join herimmediately, and that I wished them to rig the mainmast, and makeeverything ready for an immediate start, promising them to serve outsome liquor if they worked well. This was sufficient, and in littlemore than an hour the mast was secured, the rigging all complete, andthe sails ready for bending. I then ordered the boat to be manned, andtelling the officers that they were to bend the sails, and haveeverything ready for weighing on my return on board, which would be inan hour, or thereabouts, I pulled on shore, and went up to the owner's,taking four men with me, and leaving three men in the boat. I orderedthese three men to remain till the others came down with my trunks andeffects, and not, to leave the boat on any consideration.

  When I arrived at the owner's, I told him what I had done, and hecommended my arrangements. In the back room I found four gentlemendressed in seamen's clothing, and as there was no time to be lost, theyimmediately shouldered the trunks and valises; desiring my own men toremain with the owner to bring down anything that he might wish to sendon board, I left them in the counting-house. The gentlemen followed mewith their loads down to the boat, and when I got there the men told methat some people had come down and asked whose boat it was, and why theywere lying there, and that they had told the people that the captain hadtaken four men with him to bring down his things, and that they werewaiting for him; so it was lucky that I said to my men what I did.

  We hastened to put the trunks into the boat, and to get in ourselvesafter we had received this intelligence, and then I shoved off from thewharf, and laid about a stone's throw distant for my other men. At lastwe heard them coming down, and shortly afterwards we perceived that theywere stopped by other people, and in altercation with them. I knew thenthat the officers were on the alert, and would discover the stratagem,and therefore desired my men and the gentlemen, who had each taken anoar in readiness, to give way and pull for the schooner. As we did so,the king's officers on search who had stopped my four men came down tothe wharf and ordered us to come back, but we made no reply. As soon aswe were alongside, we hoisted the things out of the boat, veered herastern by a tow-rope, slipped the cable, and made sail. Fortunately itwas very dark, and we were very alert in our movements. We couldperceive lights at the wharf as we sailed out of the river, and it wasclear that we had had a narrow escape; but I felt no alarm on account ofthe owner, as I knew that although they might suspect, they could provenothing. When about three miles out we hove-to, hoisted in the boat,and shaped our course.

  All I had now to fear was the falling in with the ship of war in theoffing, and I placed men to keep a sharp look-out in every direction,and told the officers that it was necessary that we should avoid her.When last seen, about an hour before dark, she was well to windward, andas the wind was from the northward, she would probably sail faster thanwe could, as a schooner does not sail so well free as on a wind. We hadrun out about four hours, and were steering our course for Holyhead,when suddenly we perceived the ship of war close to us, and to leeward.She had been lying with her mainsail to the mast, but she evidently hadmade us out, for she filled and set top-gallant sails.

  I immediately hauled my wind, and as soon as she had way, she tacked andfollowed in pursuit, being then right astern of us, about half a mileoff. It was very dark, and I knew that as our sails were set, and webore from her, it would be difficult for her to keep us in sight, as weonly presented what we call the feather-edge of our sails to her. Itherefore steered on under all sail, and, finding that the schoonerweathered on her, I kept her away a little, so as to retain the samebearings, and to leave her faster.

  In an hour we could not make out the ship, and were therefore certainthat she could not see us; so as I wanted to get clear of her, and be atHolyhead as soon as possible, I lowered down all the sails and put myhelm up, so as to cross her and run to leeward under bare poles, whileshe continued her windward chase. This stratagem answered, and we sawno more of her; for, two hours afterwards, we fell in with the Arrow,and, hailing her, we both made sail down the Bristol Channel as fast aswe could, and at daybreak there was no vessel in sight, and of course wehad nothing more to fear from the Liverpool

  As we now sailed rapidly along in company, with the wind on our quarter,it was high time for me to look to my passengers, who had remained ondeck in perfect silence from the time that they had come on board. Itherefore went up to them, and apologised for not having as yet paidthem that attention that I should have wished to have done under othercircumstances.

  "Captain," replied the oldest of them, with a courteous salute, "youhave paid us every attention; you have been extremely active in savingour lives, and we return you our sincere thanks."

  "Yes, indeed," replied a young and handsome man who stood next him, "MrElrington has saved us from the toils of our enemies; but now that weare in no fear from that quarter, I must tell him that we have hardlyhad a mouthful of food for twenty-four hours, and if he wishes to saveour lives a second time, it will be by ordering a good breakfast to beprepared for us."

  "Campbell speaks the truth, my dear Sir," said the one who had firstspoken. "We have lately gained the knowledge of what it is to hungerand thirst; and we all join in his request."

  "You shall not wait long," I replied; "I will be up again in a moment ortwo." I went down into the cabin, and, ordering my servant to put onthe table a large piece of pressed Hamburg beef; a cold pie of variousflesh and fowl combined, some bread and cheese, and some bottles ofbrandy and usquebaugh, I then went up again, and requested them all todescend. Hungry they certainly were, and it was incredible the quantitythat they devoured. I should have imagined that they had not been fedfor a week and I thought that if they were to consume at that rate, mystock would never last out, and the sooner they were landed the better.As soon as they left off eating, and had finished two bottles ofusquebaugh, I said to them, "Gentlemen, my orders are to land you at anyport of France that you should prefer. Have you made up your minds asto which it shall be, for it will be necessary that we shape a courseaccording to your decision?"

  "Mr Elrington, on that point we would wish to advise with you. Ihardly need say that our object is to escape, and that falling in withand being captured by a ship of war, and there are many out in pursuitof us and other unfortunate adherents to the house of Stuart, would beextremely disagreeable, as our heads and our bodies would certainly partcompany, if we were taken. Now, which port do you think we should bemost likely to reach with least chance of interruption?"

  "I think," I replied, "as you pay me the compliment to ask my opinion,that it would be better to run down the Bay of Biscay, and then put inthe port of Bordeaux, or any other, where you could be landed in safety;and my reason is this: the Channel is full of cruisers looking afterthose of your party who are attempting to escape; and my vessel will bechased and searched. Now, although we might sail faster than any onevessel in the Channel, yet it is very possible that in running away fromone, we may fall into the jaws of another. And besides, we are twoprivateers, and cruising off Bordeaux will excite no suspicion, as it isa favourite cruising-ground; so that, if we were boarded, there would belittle danger of discovery; but, of course, as long as I can preventthat, by taking to my heels, I shall not be boarded by any one. Theonly objection to what I propose is, that you will be confined longer ina vessel than you may like, or than you would be if you were to gain anearer port."

  "I agree with the captain of the vessel," said a grave-lookingpersonage, who had not yet spoken, and whom I afterwards discovered tobe a Catholic priest, "the staunchest adherent to the cause could nothave given better advice, and I should recommend that it be followed."

  The others were of the same opinion; and, in consequence, I edged theschooner down to the Arrow, and hailed Captain Levee, stating that wewere to run to Bordeaux. After that I prepared for them sleepingaccommodations as well as I could, and on my making apologies, theylaughed, and told me such stories of their hardships during theirescape, that I was not surprised at their not being difficult. I foundout their names by their addressing one another, to be Campbell,McIntyre, Ferguson, and McDonald; all of them very refined gentlemen,and of excellent discourse. They were very merry, and laughed at allthat they had suffered; sang Jacobite songs, as they were termed, andcertainly did not spare my locker of wine. The wind continued fair, andwe met with no interruption, and on the fourth evening, at dusk, we madethe mouth of the Garonne, and hove-to, with our heads off shore, for thenight. Captain Levee then came on board, and I introduced him to mypassengers. To my surprise, after some conversation, he said--"I havenow escorted Captain Elrington, according to the orders I received, andshall return to Liverpool as soon as possible; if, therefore, gentlemen,you have any letters to send to your friends announcing your safety, Ishall be most happy to present them in any way you may suggest as mostadvisable."

  That Captain Levee had some object in saying this, I was quite certain;and therefore I made no remark. The passengers thanked him for hisproposal; and, being provided with writing materials, they all wrote totheir friends, and put their letters into Captain Levee's hands, whothen bade them farewell, and went on deck with me.

  "Of course, you were not serious in what you said, Captain Levee?" Iinquired, as we walked forward.

  "No," he replied; "but I considered it prudent to make them believe so.Although Englishmen, they are enemies to our country, so far as they areenemies to our government, and, of course, wish no harm to the French,who have so warmly supported them. Now, if they knew that I remainedhere waiting for your coming out of the river, they would say so, and Imight lose the chance of a good prize, as nothing would sail, if theyknew that the coast was not clear. Now, I shall part company with youin an hour, and make all sail for England, as they may suppose, but,without fail, to-morrow night I shall be off here again, about fiveleagues from the port, with my sails furled; therefore, stay in theriver as long as they will let you, as, while you are in port with theflag of truce, vessels may sail out."

  "I understand you, and will do all I can to assist your views, CaptainLevee. Now, we will go down again. I will give you a receipt for acoil of rope, which you will send your boat for, and write a letter tothe owners, after which you will wish me good bye, and make sail."

  "Exactly," Captain Levee replied, who then ordered his boat to go for acoil of three-inch, and bring it on board.

  We then descended to the cabin, and I wrote a letter to the owner, andalso a receipt for the coil of rope, which I delivered to Captain Levee.The boat soon returned from the lugger, the rope was taken on board,and then Captain Levee wished me farewell, and made his polite adieus tothe gentlemen, who followed him on deck, and waited there till he hadhoisted in his boat, and made all sail.

  "How long will she be before she arrives at Liverpool with this wind?"inquired Mr Campbell.

  "She will carry her canvass night and day," I replied; "and, therefore,as she sails so fast, I should say in five or six days."

  "Well, I am grateful that we have such an early and safe opportunity ofcommunicating with our friends in England; we might have waited twomonths otherwise."

  "Very true," replied the priest, "but Heaven has assisted our anxiouswishes. Let us be grateful for all things."

  My passengers watched the lugger until she was nearly out of sight. Idare say that their thoughts were, that those on board of her were goingto the country of their birth, from which they were exiles, probably forever: they did not speak, but went down below, and retired to theirbeds. At daylight the next morning I ran the schooner in; and as soonas I was within three miles of the coast, I hoisted the white flag oftruce, and stood for the mouth of the river Garonne. I perceived thatthe batteries were manned, but not a shot was fired, and we entered theriver.

  When we were a mile up the river, we were boarded by the Frenchauthorities, and my passengers, who had dressed themselves in theirproper costume, informed the officer in the boat who they were, uponwhich he was very polite, and, calling a pilot out of the boat, theschooner was taken charge of by him, and we very soon afterwards, havingwind and tide in our favour, were anchored alongside of two largemerchant vessels a
nd a French privateer of sixteen guns, which Iinstantly recognised as our old antagonist off Hispaniola, in the actionin which the Revenge was captured, and Captain Weatherall lost his life.However, I kept my knowledge to myself, as the French officer and theJacobite gentlemen were present. As soon as we had anchored, thepassengers were requested to go into the boat, and the French officerand I to accompany them, that I might report myself to the governor, andwe pulled away to the town, one of my boats following with thepassengers' luggage.

  On our landing, there was a great crowd assembled, and they looked veryhard at me, as I was dressed in my lace coat and a cocked-up hat, alsobound with broad gold lace. On our arrival in the presence of thegovernor, we were received with much urbanity; and as I had brought theJacobite gentlemen in my schooner, it was presumed that I was favourableto the cause, and I was very politely treated. The governor invited usall to dine with him on that day. I made some excuse, saying, that Iwas anxious to return to Liverpool, that I might fit out for the coastof Africa, in which service I was to be employed by my owners; but thepassengers insisted upon my staying a day or two, and the governor addedto their solicitations his own.

  I therefore accepted, not only because I was glad to have an opportunityto see so celebrated a town, but because it would meet the views ofCaptain Levee. We took leave of the governor, and went to an hotel, andI then sent my boat on board for necessaries, and hired a handsomeapartment in the hotel. I had not been there half an hour, when thepriest came to me and said, "Captain, you are not aware of the rank andconsequence of the three gentlemen whom you have been so successful inescorting to a place of safety. I am requested by them to make you ahandsome remuneration for your kindness and skilful conduct on thisoccasion."

  "Sir," I replied, "this must not be. I am most happy in having assistedin the escape of unfortunate gentlemen; and all the pleasure I feel athaving so done would be destroyed if I were to accept of what you offer.It is useless to repeat it; and if you do, I shall consider it aninsult, and immediately repair on board of my vessel. You willtherefore tender my best thanks and my refusal, with ardent wishes fortheir future welfare."

  "After what you have said, Captain Elrington, I will, of course, notresume the offer. I will tell my fellow-passengers what you have said,and I am sure that they will, as I do, admire your high sense ofhonour."--The priest shook me by the hand, and then quitted myapartment. I did not see the other passengers till it was the hour togo to dine at the governor's, when they embraced me cordially, and theone calling himself Campbell said, "Should you ever be in distress or aprisoner in this country, recollect you have a friend who is ready toserve you. Here is an address to a lady, to whom you must write, andsay that you wish the assistance of your passenger to Bordeaux--thatwill be sufficient--I trust you may never require it."

  We had a pleasant dinner at the governor's, and among the people invitedto meet us, I perceived the French captain of the privateer. I knew himimmediately, although he did not recognise me. We had some conversationtogether, and he spoke about his cruises in the West Indies, and askedme whether I knew Captain Weatherall. I said there was a CaptainWeatherall who commanded the Revenge privateer, and who was killed whenhis vessel was taken.

  "Exactly," said the captain; "he was a brave man, and fought nobly, andso did all his people--they fought like devils."

  "Yes," I replied, "they fought as long as they could, but CaptainWeatherall was very short-handed. He had but fifty-five men on board atthe commencement of the action."

  "More than that, I'm sure," replied the French captain.

  "He had not, I assure you," I replied; "he had lost so many in an attackon shore, and had so many away in prizes."

  Our conversation had attracted general notice, and a French army officerobserved, "Monsieur speaks so positively, that one would imagine that hewas actually on board."

  "And so I was, Sir," replied I, "and have my wounds to show for it. Iknew this officer immediately I saw him, for I was close to CaptainWeatherall at the time that this officer expostulated with him beforethe action; and I crossed my sword with him during the combat."

  "You have convinced me that you were on board," replied the captain ofthe privateer, "by your mentioning the expostulations previous to thecombat taking place. I am delighted to have met with so brave an enemy,for every man on board that vessel was a hero."

  The conversation was then general, and many particulars were asked; andI will do, the French captain the justice to say, that he was verycorrect in all his statements, and neither vaunted his own success, nordid us less than justice.

  The party then broke up to go to the theatre, and afterwards we repairedto the hotel. I remained there two days more, and on the last of thesetwo days I had promised to sup with the French captain of the privateer,who had called upon me, and behaved very politely. The following day,after noon, when the tide served, I was to sail. Accordingly, after thetheatre was over, I went with the French captain to his house, incompany with two or three more. Supper was on the table when we arrivedthere, and we went into the room, waiting for the presence of thecaptain's lady, who had not gone to the theatre, and to whom I had notbeen introduced. After a few minutes she made her appearance, and asshe entered the room, I was struck with her extreme beauty, although shewas past the meridian of life. I thought I had seen her face before,and as she came forward with her husband, it at once rushed into my mindthat she was the widow of the French gentleman who had so gallantlyfought his vessel, and who fell by my hand--the lady who was nursing herson at the King's Hospital at Jamaica, and who had been so inveterateagainst me. Our eyes met, and her cheeks flushed; she recognised me,and I coloured deeply as I bowed to her. She was taken with afaintness, and fell back. Fortunately her husband received her in hisarms.

  "What is the matter, my love?" he said.

  "Nothing; but I am taken with a vertigo," replied she; "it will go offdirectly. Make my excuses to the company, while I retire for a fewminutes."

  Her husband went out of the room, and after a minute or two came back,saying that Madam was not well enough to return to the room, and beggedthat they would admit her excuse, and sit down to supper without her.Whether his wife had informed him of who I was, I know not; but nothingcould exceed the civility of the French captain towards me during thesupper. We did not, however, remain very late, as the lady of the housewas indisposed.

  I found out, as I walked home with another French officer, that thecaptain of the privateer had fallen in with the French lady on herreturn from Jamaica, where her son died in the hospital, and had marriedher; and that, moreover, unlike most French husbands, he was mostardently attached to her.

  I had breakfasted the next morning, and packed up my clothes preparatoryto going on board, and had just returned from a visit of leave-takingwith the governor, when who should walk up into my apartment but theFrench captain of the privateer, accompanied by three or four Frenchofficers of the army. I perceived by his looks when he entered that hewas a little excited, but I met him cordially. He began a conversationabout his action with Captain Weatherall, and instead of speakinghandsomely as he had done before, he used expressions which I consideredoffensive, and I at once took him up by observing that, being under aflag of truce, it was impossible for me to notice what he said.

  "No," he replied; "but I wish we were once more on the high seastogether, for I have a little debt of gratitude to pay off."

  "Well," I replied, "you may have; and I should not be sorry to give youan opportunity, if it were possible."

  "May I inquire whether you intend to go home as a cartel, and carry yourflag of truce to Liverpool?"

  "No, Sir," I replied; "I shall haul down my flag of truce as soon as Iam out of gun-shot of your batteries I understand what you mean, Sir.It is very true that your vessel carries nearly double the number ofguns that mine does, but nevertheless I shall haul down my flag oftruce, as I say I will."

  "Not if I follow you down the river, I presume?" he
said with a sort ofsneer.

  "Follow me if you dare," I cried; "you will meet with your master,depend upon it."

  "Sacre!" replied he, in a passion, "I will blow you out of the water;and if I take you I will hang you for a pirate."

  "Not the last, certainly," I said coolly.

  "Look you, Sir," he cried, shutting his fist upon the palm of his otherhand, "if I take you I will hang you; and if you take me, you may serveme in the same way. Is it a bargain, or are you a coward?"

  "Gentlemen," I said to the officers present, "you must feel that yourcountryman is not behaving well. He has insulted me grossly. I will,however, consent to his terms on one condition, which is, that he willpermit one of you, after he has sailed, to make known the conditionsupon which we fight to his wife; and that one of you will pledge me hishonour that he will impart these conditions as soon as we are gone."

  "Agree to do so--pledge yourself to do so, Xavier," cried the Frenchcaptain to one of the officers present.

  "Since you wish it, certainly," he said.

  "You pledge yourself to make the conditions known to Madam, as soon aswe have sailed?"

  "I do, upon the honour of an officer and a gentleman," replied he,"painful as it will be to me."

  "Then, captain," I replied, "I agree to your conditions, and one or theother of us shall hang."

  You may suppose, Madam, that I must have been in a state of greatirritation to have consented to such terms. I was so, and could notbrook such insult in the presence of the French officers. Moreover, asyou will observe, in my conversation I did not commit myself in any way.There was nothing dishonourable. I told him that I should haul down myflag of truce, and I also told him that he would meet with his master,which was true enough, as he would meet with the Arrow, commanded byCaptain Levee, as well as with my vessel; while he thought that he wouldhave to fight with my inferior vessel alone, and, making sure ofconquest, he purposely insulted me, to make me accept such conditions aswould administer to the revenge of his wife, who had evidently workedhim up to act in such a manner; and I accepted them, because I hoped thefate would be his if Captain Levee joined me, and if not, I wasdetermined that I never would be taken alive.

  After I had agreed to his conditions, they all took a very ceremoniousleave, and I bowed them out with great mock humility. I then badefarewell to my passengers, who lodged in the same hotel, and went downto my boat, and pulled on board. As soon as the tide served, the pilotcame on board, and we got under weigh. I observed a great bustle, and ahurrying to and fro of boats on board of the French privateer, and wehad not gone above two miles down the river, before I perceived the menwere aloft and lowering her sails. I told my officers that I hadreceived a challenge from the French privateer, and had accepted it, andthat we must get everything ready for action. They were much astonishedat this, as the disparity of force was so great, but they wentcheerfully to their duty, as did the men, among whom the news was soonspread.