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The Phantom Ship Page 9
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Page 9
We must allow the Indian fleet to pursue its way to the Cape with everyvariety of wind and weather. Some had parted company; but therendezvous was Table Bay, from which they were again to start together.
Philip Vanderdecken was soon able to render some service on board. Hestudied his duty diligently, for employment prevented him from dwellingtoo much upon the cause of his embarkation, and he worked hard at theduties of the ship, for the exercise procured for him that sleep whichotherwise would have been denied.
He was soon a favourite of the captain, and intimate with Hillebrant,the first mate; the second mate, Struys, was a morose young man, withwhom he had little intercourse. As for the supercargo, Mynheer JacobJanz Von Stroom, he seldom ventured out of his cabin. The bear,Johannes, was not confined, and therefore Mynheer Von Stroom confinedhimself; hardly a day passed that he did not look over a letter which hehad framed upon the subject, all ready to forward to the Company; andeach time that he perused it he made some alteration, which heconsidered would give additional force to his complaint, and would provestill more injurious to the interests of Captain Kloots.
In the mean time, in happy ignorance of all that was passing in thepoop-cabin, Mynheer Kloots smoked his pipe, drank his schnapps, andplayed with Johannes. The animal had also contracted a great affectionfor Philip, and used to walk the watch with him.
There was another party in the ship whom we must not lose sight of--theone-eyed pilot, Schriften, who appeared to have imbibed a greatanimosity towards our hero, as well as to his dumb favourite the bear.As Philip held the rank of an officer, Schriften dared not openlyaffront, though he took every opportunity of annoying him, and wasconstantly inveighing against him before the ship's company. To thebear he was more openly inveterate, and seldom passed it withoutbestowing upon it a severe kick, accompanied with a horrid curse.Although no one on board appeared to be fond of this man, everybodyappeared to be afraid of him, and he had obtained a control over theseamen which appeared unaccountable.
Such was the state of affairs on board the good ship Ter Schilling,when, in company with two others, she lay becalmed about two days' sailto the Cape. The weather was intensely hot, for it was the summer inthose southern latitudes, and Philip, who had been lying down under theawning spread over the poop, was so overcome with the heat, that he hadfallen asleep. He awoke with a shivering sensation of cold over hiswhole body, particularly at his chest, and, half-opening his eyes, heperceived the pilot, Schriften, leaning over him, and holding betweenhis finger and his thumb a portion of the chain which had not beenconcealed, and to which was attached the sacred relic. Philip closedthem again, to ascertain what were the man's intentions: he found thathe gradually dragged out the chain, and, when the relic was clear,attempted to pass the whole over his head, evidently to gain possessionof it. Upon this attempt Philip started up and seized him by the waist.
"Indeed!" cried Philip, with an indignant look, as he released the chainfrom the pilot's hand.
But Schriften appeared not in the least confused at being detected inhis attempt: looking with his malicious one eye at Philip, he mockinglyobserved--
"Does that chain hold her picture?--he! he!"
Vanderdecken rose, pushed him away, and folded his arms.
"I advise you not to be quite so curious, Master Pilot, or you mayrepent it."
"Or perhaps," continued the pilot quite regardless of Philip's wrath,"it may be a child's caul, a sovereign remedy against drowning."
"Go forward to your duty, sir," cried Philip.
"Or, as you are a Catholic, the finger-nail of a saint; or, yes, I haveit--a piece of the holy cross."
Philip started.
"That's it! that's it!" cried Schriften, who now went forward to wherethe seamen were standing at the gangway.
"News for you, my lads!" said he; "we've a bit of the holy cross aboard,and so we may defy the devil!"
Philip, hardly knowing why, had followed Schriften as he descended thepoop-ladder, and was forward on the quarterdeck, when the pilot madethis remark to the seamen.
"Ay! ay!" replied an old seaman to the pilot; "not only the devil, butthe Flying Dutchman to boot."
"Flying Dutchman," thought Philip, "can that refer to--?" and Philipwalked a step or two forward, so as to conceal himself behind themainmast, hoping to obtain some information, should they continue theconversation. In this he was not disappointed.
"They say that to meet with him is worse than meeting with the devil,"observed another of the crew.
"Who ever saw him?" said another.
"He has been seen, that's sartain, and just as sartain that ill luckfollows the vessel that falls in with him."
"And where is he to be fallen in with?"
"O! they say that's not so sartain--but he cruises off the Cape."
"I should like to know the whole long and short of the story," said athird.
"I can only tell what I've heard. It's a doomed vessel; they werepirates, and cut the captain's throat, I believe."
"No! no!" cried Schriften, "the captain is in her now--and a villain hewas. They say that, like somebody else on board of us now, he left avery pretty wife, and that he was very fond of her."
"How do they know that, pilot?"
"Because he always wants to send letters home when he boards vesselsthat he falls in with. But, woe to the vessel that takes charge ofthem!--she is sure to be lost, with every soul on board!"
"I wonder where you heard all this," said one of the men. "Did you eversee the vessel?"
"Yes, I did!" screamed Schriften; but, as if recovering himself, hisscream subsided into his usual giggle, and he added, "but we need notfear her, boys; we've a bit of the true cross on board." Schriften thenwalked aft as if to avoid being questioned, when he perceived Philip bythe mainmast.
"So, I'm not the only one curious?--he! he! Pray did you bring that onboard, in case we should fall in with the Flying Dutchman?"
"I fear no Flying Dutchman," replied Philip, confused.
"Now I think of it, you are of the same name; at least they say that hisname was Vanderdecken--eh?"
"There are many Vanderdeckens in the world besides me," replied Philipwho had recovered his composure; and having made this reply, he walkedaway to the poop of the vessel.
"One would almost imagine this malignant one-eyed wretch was aware ofthe cause of my embarkation," mused Philip; "but no! that cannot be.Why do I feel such a chill whenever he approaches me? I wonder ifothers do; or whether it is a mere fancy on the part of Amine andmyself. I dare ask no questions.--Strange, too, that the man shouldfeel such malice towards me. I never injured him. What I have justoverheard confirms all; but there needed no confirmation. Oh, Amine!Amine! but for thee, and I would rejoice to solve this riddle at theexpense of life. God in mercy check the current of my brain," mutteredPhilip, "or my reason cannot hold its seat!"
In three days the Ter Schilling and her consorts arrived at Table Bay,where they found the remainder of the fleet at anchor waiting for them.Just at that period the Dutch had formed a settlement at the Cape ofGood Hope, where the Indian fleets used to water and obtain cattle fromthe Hottentot tribes who lived on the coast, and who for a brass buttonor a large nail would willingly offer a fat bullock. A few days wereoccupied in completing the water of the squadron, and then the ships,having received from the Admiral their instructions as to rendezvous incase of parting company, and made every preparation for the bad weatherwhich they anticipated, again weighed their anchors and proceeded ontheir voyage.
For three days they beat against light and baffling winds, making butlittle progress; on the third, the breeze sprang up strong from thesouthward, until it increased to a gale, and the fleet were blown downto the northward of the bay. On the seventh day the Ter Schilling foundherself alone, but the weather had moderated. Sail was again made uponthe vessel, and her head put to the eastward, that she might run in forthe land.
"We are unfortunate in thus p
arting with all our consorts," observedMynheer Kloots to Philip, as they were standing at the gangway; "but itmust be near meridian, and the sun will enable me to discover ourlatitude. It is difficult to say how far we may have been swept by thegale and the currents to the northward. Boy, bring up my cross-staff,and be mindful that you do not strike it against anything as you comeup."
The cross-staff at that time was the simple instrument used to discoverthe latitude, which it would give to a nice observer to within five orten miles. Quadrants and sextants were the invention of a much laterperiod. Indeed, considering that they had so little knowledge ofnavigation and the variation of the compass, and that their easting andwesting could only be computed by dead reckoning, it is wonderful howour ancestors traversed the ocean in the way they did, withcomparatively so few accidents.
"We are full three degrees to the northward of the Cape," observedMynheer Kloots, after he had computed his latitude. "The currents mustbe running strong; the wind is going down fast, and we shall have achange, if I mistake not."
Towards the evening it fell calm, with a heavy swell setting towards theshore; shoals of seals appeared on the surface, following the vessel asshe drove before the swell; the fish darted and leaped in everydirection, and the ocean around them appeared to be full of life as thesun slowly descended to the horizon.
"What is that noise we hear?" observed Philip; "it sounds like distantthunder."
"I hear it," replied Mynheer Kloots. "Aloft there, do you see theland?"
"Yes," replied the man after a pause in ascending the topmast shrouds."It is right ahead--low sand-hills, and the sea breaking high."
"Then that must be the noise we hear. We sweep in fast with this heavyground-swell. I wish the breeze would spring up."
The sun was dipping under the horizon, and the calm still continued: theswell had driven the Ter Schilling so rapidly on the shore that now theycould see the breakers which fell over with the noise of thunder.
"Do you know the coast, pilot?" observed the captain to Schriften, whostood by.
"Know it well," replied Schriften; "the sea breaks in twelve fathoms atleast. In half an hour the good ship will be beaten into toothpicks,without a breeze to help us." And the little man giggled as if pleasedat the idea.
The anxiety of Mynheer Kloots was not to be concealed; his pipe wasevery moment in and out of his mouth. The crew remained in groups onthe forecastle and gangway, listening with dismay to the fearful roaringof the breakers. The sun had sunk down below the horizon, and the gloomof night was gradually adding to the alarm of the crew of the TerSchilling.
"We must lower down the boats," said Mynheer Kloots to the first mate,"and try to tow her off. We cannot do much good, I'm afraid; but at allevents the boats will be ready for the men to get into before she driveson shore. Get the tow ropes out and lower down the boats, while I go into acquaint the supercargo."
Mynheer Von Stroom was sitting in all the dignity of his office, and, itbeing Sunday, had put on his very best wig. He was once more readingover the letter to the Company, relative to the bear, when MynheerKloots made his appearance, and informed him in a few words that theywere in a situation of peculiar danger, and that in all probability theship would be in pieces in less than half an hour. At this alarmingintelligence, Mynheer Von Stroom jumped up from his chair, and in hishurry and fear knocked down the candle which had just been lighted.
"In danger! Mynheer Kloots!--why the water is smooth and the wind down!My hat--where is my hat and my cane? I will go on deck. Quick! Alight--Mynheer Kloots, if you please to order a light to be brought; Ican find nothing in the dark. Mynheer Kloots, why do you not answer?Mercy on me! he is gone and has left me."
Mynheer Kloots had gone to fetch a light, and now returned with it.Mynheer Von Stroom put on his hat, and walked out of the cabin. Theboats were down, and the ship's head had been turned round from theland: but it was now quite dark and nothing was to be seen but the whiteline of foam created by the breakers as they dashed with an awful noiseagainst the shore.
"Mynheer Kloots, if you please, I'll leave the ship directly. Let myboat come alongside--I must have the largest boat for the HonourableCompany's service--for the papers and myself."
"I'm afraid not, Mynheer Von Stroom," replied Kloots; "our boats willhardly hold the men as it is, and every man's life is as valuable tohimself as yours is to you."
"But, Mynheer, I am the Company's supercargo. I order you--I will haveone--refuse if you dare."
"I dare, and do refuse," replied the captain, taking his pipe out of hismouth.
"Well, well," replied Mynheer Von Stroom, who now lost all presence ofmind--"we will, sir--as soon as we arrive--Lord help us!--we are lost.O Lord! O Lord!" And here Mynheer Von Stroom, not knowing why, hurrieddown to the cabin, and in his haste tumbled over the bear Johannes, whocrossed his path, and in his fall his hat and flowing wig parted companywith his head.
"O! mercy! where am I? Help--help here! for the Honourable Company'ssupercargo!"
"Cast off there in the boats, and come on board," cried Mynheer Kloots,"we have no time to spare. Quick now, Philip, put in the compass, thewater, and the biscuit; we must leave her in five minutes."
So appalling was the roar of the breakers, that it was with difficultythat the orders could be heard. In the mean time Mynheer Von Stroom layupon the deck, kicking, sprawling, and crying for help.
"There is a light breeze off the shore," cried Philip, holding up hishand.
"There is, but I'm afraid it is too late. Hand the things into theboats, and be cool, my men. We have yet a chance of saving her, if thewind freshens."
They were now so near to the breakers that they felt the swell in whichthe vessel lay becalmed turned over here and there on its long line, butthe breeze freshened and the vessel was stationary! The men were all inthe boats, with the exception of Mynheer Kloots, the mates, and MynheerVon Stroom.
"She goes through the water now," said Philip.
"Yes, I think we shall save her," replied the captain: "steady as yougo, Hillebrant," continued he to the first mate, who was at the helm."We leave the breakers now--only let the breeze hold ten minutes."
The breeze was steady, the Ter Schilling stood off from the land, againit fell calm, and again she was swept towards the breakers; at last thebreeze came off strong, and the vessel cleaved through the water. Themen were called out of the boats; Mynheer Von Stroom was picked up alongwith his hat and wig, carried into the cabin, and in less than an hourthe Ter Schilling was out of danger.
"Now we will hoist up the boats," said Mynheer Kloots, "and let us all,before we lie down to sleep, thank God for our deliverance."
During that night the Ter Schilling made an offing of twenty miles, andthen stood to the southward; towards the morning the wind again fell,and it was nearly calm.
Mynheer Kloots had been on deck about an hour, and had been talking withHillebrant upon the danger of the evening, and the selfishness andpusillanimity of Mynheer Von Stroom, when a loud noise was heard in thepoop-cabin.
"What can that be?" said the captain; "has the good man lost his sensesfrom the fright? Why, he is knocking the cabin to pieces."
At this moment the servant of the supercargo ran out of the cabin.
"Mynheer Kloots, hasten in--help my master--he will be killed--thebear!--the bear!"
"The bear! what Johannes?" cried Mynheer Kloots. "Why, the animal is astame as a dog. I will go and see."
But before Mynheer Kloots could walk into the cabin, out flew in hisshirt the affrighted supercargo. "My God! my God! am I to bemurdered?--eaten alive?" cried he, running forward, and attempting toclimb the fore-rigging.
Mynheer Kloots followed the motions of Mynheer Von Stroom with surprise,and when he found him attempting to mount the rigging, he turned aft andwalked into the cabin, when he found to his surprise that Johannes wasindeed doing mischief.
The panelling of the state cabin of the supercargo had been beaten down,the
wig boxes lay in fragments on the floor, the two spare wigs werelying by them, and upon them were strewed fragments of broken pots andmasses of honey, which Johannes was licking up with peculiar gusto.
The fact was, that when the ship anchored at Table Bay, Mynheer VonStroom, who was very partial to honey, had obtained some from theHottentots. This honey his careful servant had stowed away in jars,which he had placed at the bottom of the two long boxes, ready for hismaster's use during the remainder of the voyage. That morning, theservant fancying that the wig of the previous night had suffered whenhis master tumbled over the bear, opened one of the boxes to take outanother. Johannes happened to come near the door, and scented thehoney. Now, partial as Mynheer Von Stroom was to honey, all bears arestill more so, and will venture everything to obtain it. Johannes hadyielded to the impulse of his species, and, following the scent, hadcome into the cabin, and was about to enter the sleeping berth ofMynheer Stroom, when the servant slammed the door in his face; whereuponJohannes beat in the panels, and found an entrance. He then attackedthe wig-boxes, and, by showing a most formidable set of teeth, proved tothe servant, who attempted to drive him off, that he would not betrifled with. In the meanwhile, Mynheer Von Stroom was in the utmostterror: not aware of the purport of the bear's visit, he imagined thatthe animal's object was to attack him. His servant took to his heelsafter a vain effort to save the last box, and Mynheer Von Stroom, thenfinding himself alone, at length sprang out of his bed-place, andescaped, as we have mentioned, to the forecastle, leaving Johannesmaster of the field, and luxuriating upon the _spolia opima_. MynheerKloots immediately perceived how the case stood. He went up to the bearand spoke to him, then kicked him, but the bear would not leave thehoney, and growled furiously at the interruption. "This is a bad jobfor you, Johannes," observed Mynheer Kloots; "now you will leave theship, for the supercargo has just grounds of complaint. Oh, well! youmust eat the honey, because you will." So saying, Mynheer Kloots leftthe cabin, and went to look after the supercargo, who remained on theforecastle, with his bald head and meagre body, haranguing the men inhis shirt, which fluttered in the breeze.
"I am very sorry, Mynheer Von Stroom," said Kloots, "but the bear shallbe sent out of the vessel."
"Yes, yes, Mynheer Kloots; but this is an affair for the most puissantCompany--the lives of their servants are not to be sacrificed to thefolly of a sea-captain. I have nearly been torn to pieces."
"The animal did not want you; all he wanted was the honey," repliedKloots. "He has got it, and I myself cannot take it from him. There isno altering the nature of an animal. Will you be pleased to walk downinto my cabin until the beast can be secured? He shall not go looseagain."
Mynheer Von Stroom who considered his dignity at variance with hisappearance, and who perhaps was aware that majesty deprived of itsexternals was only a jest, thought it advisable to accept the offer.After some trouble with the assistance of the seamen, the bear wassecured and dragged away from the cabin, much against his will, for hehad still some honey to lick off the curls of the full-bottomed wigs.He was put into durance vile, having been caught in the flagrant act ofburglary on the high seas. This new adventure was the topic of the day,for it was again a dead calm, and the ship lay motionless on the glassywave.
"The sun looks red as he sinks," observed Hillebrant to the captain, whowith Philip was standing on the poop; "we shall have wind beforeto-morrow, if I mistake not."
"I am of your opinion," replied Mynheer Kloots. "It is strange that wedo not fall in with any of the vessels of the fleet. They must all havebeen driven down here."
"Perhaps they have kept a wider offing."
"It had been as well if we had done the same," said Kloots. "That was anarrow escape last night. There is such a thing as having too little aswell as having too much wind."
A confused noise was heard among the seamen, who were collected togetherand, looking in the direction of the vessel's quarter, "A ship! No--Yes, it is!" was repeated more than once.
"They think they see a ship," said Schriften, coming on the poop. "He!he!"
"There in the gloom!" said the pilot, pointing to the darkest quarter inthe horizon, for the sun had set.
The captain, Hillebrant, and Philip directed their eyes to the quarterpointed out, and thought they could perceive something like a vessel.Gradually the gloom seemed to clear away, and a lambent pale blaze tolight up that part of the horizon. Not a breath of wind was on thewater--the sea was like a mirror--more and more distinct did the vesselappear, till her hull, masts, and yards were clearly visible. Theylooked and rubbed their eyes to help their vision, for scarcely couldthey believe that which they did see. In the centre of the pale light,which extended about fifteen degrees above the horizon, there was indeeda large ship about three miles distant; but although it was a perfectcalm, she was to all appearance buffeting in a violent gale, plungingand lifting over a surface that was smooth as glass, now careening toher bearing, then recovering herself. Her topsails and mainsail werefurled, and the yards pointed to the wind; she had no sail set, but aclose-reefed foresail, a storm staysail, and trysail abaft. She madelittle way through the water, but apparently neared them fast, drivendown by the force of the gale. Each minute she was plainer to the view.At last she was seen to wear, and in so doing, before she was broughtto the wind on the other tack, she was so close to them that they coulddistinguish the men on board: they could see the foaming water as it washurled from her bows; hear the shrill whistle of the boatswain's pipes,the creaking of the ship's timbers, and the complaining of her masts;and then the gloom gradually rose, and in a few seconds she had totallydisappeared!
"God in heaven!" exclaimed Mynheer Kloots.
Philip felt a hand upon his shoulder, and the cold darted through hiswhole frame. He turned round and met the one eye of Schriften, whoscreamed in his ear--
"PHILIP VANDERDECKEN--that's the _Flying Dutchman_!"